Thursday, December 4, 2008

what will the world become

I just read a headline guessing whether or not Mariah Carey (Scary Mary in my book) is pregnant. Oh gawd I hope not! She's a nutcase just like her fug ass husband...

I'm sorry if this is offensive but my pregnancy has given me very few 'anger management' cues. haha!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

one can only hope

As I am settling into my 'new life' so to speak, it's awesome that gas prices are falling and the snow is starting to roll in. The one thing however that I can't stomach is the crazy bail out and how it's supposed to help the American people... especially the auto industry. I have a strong feeling that no matter how much the CEO's of corporate America fuck up (that big one of taking private jets to meet Congress for the vote comes to mind) that they are still going to get butt loads of money. I don't know how many have been keeping up on it, but this morning I heard a press statement from a gentleman saying 'what were they expecting us to do, drive?' Uhh of course dumbass... or maybe fly commercial if it's that important to get there by air. It's interesting how they are saying their businesses are going under but yet they have private jets!! Who the hell thinks is going to pay for them? Oh are you bummed Mr. CEO man all because you can only have one private jet instead of five, how sad.

Companies are pathetic. I feel like i've been duped when Ford doesn't want to come out with new concept cars like Hybrids or electric running cars. Instead they want to come out with their new F-150. Right, because that's what I want to see in the middle of an energy crisis. A big $40,000 truck that has a 22 gallon gas tank, let me go ahead and start living on the street so you can maintain your ever so lavish lifestyle.

Anyway, I'm done with that. I have been having EXTREME sensitivity to cold, but for some reason I can't help but wish for snow storms. I'm not so much into the 'holiday spirit' as I am wanting to have to scrape my windows and go running through knee high piles of white dust! Hopefully a nice little snow storm will make it's way to me... one can only hope!

Monday, November 10, 2008

same old same old

everything's the same so far, sometimes life can be boring when there's a lot of shit going on.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

it's official!!

well i am officially a married, expecting woman... surprise!! that's what the secret was a few weeks back, entering into my second trimester has been a breeze considering i have had zero morning sickness or cravings. but then again, i have become very angry! so when i say 'elephant' that means get the fuck out the way!!

here are a few pictures i was able to snag from my peeps, more to come i just have to round them up first.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

i see you good you forced faker

it's very interesting when there are certain individuals, we will call them vultures, claim to be your friend. in my opinion, a friend looks out for the well being of the one with whom they are be-friend-ed. now to be fair, i understand the different levels of friendship. there are those with whom you see everyday and don't necessarily have the time to hang out with. there are those that live far distances so really that friendship is mainly a friend/internet connection, but still a friendship. but then there are those with whom you frequent their houses and go to dinners with. those in my opinion would be the 'closer' or 'closest' of friends, because you not only speak with them routinely but you also interact with them on many levels. so i find it interesting when they clearly don't give a shit about anything other than themselves. when there are events (such as weddings, parties, etc.) that are pre-planned and pre-committed to attending and decide that not going and not saying that they aren't going would be more appropriate instead. it hurts most because all of that time and effort was lost. it is time that will never be given back, only instead it's time wasted. i think that's the worst feeling in the world, having to realize at the end of the day that the one person you have tried to grow and bond with never cared in the first place and only took advantage of it out of convenience. i guess if i were that alone i might do it too, but them again i have feelings. those with whom i interact with and those with whom i choose to carry on a relationship with are out of seeing a common link or bond, and a general sense of enjoyment. those with whom i interact with touch my life in some way, that's why there are only a select few that i let in. i think that's what hurts the most, giving that other person an idea of who you are and them purposely squashing your hopes and expecatations because there was 'something better' going on. vultures don't make sacrifices.

at the end of the day, come Saturday i will be getting married to the love of my life and starting a family. so i can only say that i hope it will be worth it for the other person to slowly realize what happened--that is if they even care.

"if you see me keep going be a pass by waver."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

1 week and 6 days

the countdown starts people!! the bands need to be picked up but we've got our marriage license and I've had my engagement ring cleaned and prepped for the big day. all that's left is next Saturday's bachlorette party and then the wedding. I'm so excited!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

dumbass accountin rules

if there is anyone who knows a thing about accounting, please please please!! help me?

i'm ready to pull my hair out.

Monday, October 13, 2008

secrets are out

so my secret you ask? it's going to be in code... but i have a peanut!! if you know what it is, please don't sell me out... haha there's still a lot of info to share but not until a later date.

in other news, i got up at 6:05, on the dot to write an awful paper that i'm totally ashamed of and my computer came unplugged. the battery on my computer is fried, so anytime the power cord comes out it shuts off. i about had a shit fit! luckily for me, Microsoft Office 2007 saved it and i was able to finish in record time. i always forget how unmotivated i am fall quarter. you would be too having to walk long distances outside when it's cold. winter quarter only gets worse.

anyway, if anyone knows of a good anti-blackhead/anti oil treatment please let me know. my skin is going to hell.

please and thank you!

Friday, October 3, 2008

when neglect becomes 'don't ignore me!'

i know it's been a ridiculous amount of time since I've been posting regularly. it's almost a little embarrassing, but sometimes there's just not enough to say or maybe a little too much to say, and saying it on the internet for everyone to read is not the best way to express myself emotionally. i do have one small secret, but unfortunately that's going to have to wait a few more days... or at least until Tuesday.

but i do have some other interesting things to share with you. i have a theory, and not just any theory. i have a theory about my house. what is it you ask? i think that the previous owner (whom by the way looked like he could have been Richard Gere's older and not so attractive brother) killed his wife in my house.

clue/suspicion number 1
- when we were in the process of moving in, i was slowly unpacking every room and cleaning the rooms that looked kinda grosse. for example, the bathroom. so i've got my Clorox disinfectant wipes and i'm scrubbing down the sink cabinet where the toilet paper holder is and there is all this red stuff. it looked like it could have been dried blood but a little more orange, and it was everywhere. it's like the guy just forgot that if you kill your wife in the bathroom, blood can go everywhere! the other clue in the bathroom is that there are two stains in the linoleum tile that are dark and round and look like two little drops. now being an avid hair dyer i know what hair dye stains look like and that sure as hell isn't it.

clue/suspicion 2
- we took the doors to the closet in the bathroom down because the closet sits right behind the bathroom door and it just isn't functional. so instead of having a closed closet, we've got an open one. well in the hinge on the floor where the door would meet the floor, i found a ring! it was definitely fake... but definitely a woman's ring!

clue/suspicion 3
- for the past 3 weeks or so my little wiener dog has been running under the deck to bark at a mysterious object. Melon thought it was the drain spout because 'Robert Gere' threw anything and everything under the deck (which by the way is covered by a solarium) so Melon removed the spout but he keeps going under there to bark. in the solarium itself, the floor is all dilapidated and the carpet is coming up due to Bob's inability to weather proof anything and there is a small hole that leads under the deck that is snug up against the house. So Rosco still consistently stick his face in there when i'm either bringing him in or letting him out. Also! when Rosco is inside he digs at the floor on the other side of the wall where the hole is. i think he's smelling something peculiar.

clue/suspicion 4
- in between the shed and the solarium there is about a 3 1/2 foot gap where Bob put broken up concrete. the dude just piled it all there! he claimed it was his remedy for weeds... yeah weeds grown by your dead wife!!

clue/suspicion 5
- Bob hadn't lived there for 2 YEARS prior to us buying the house. we found this out when Melon was mowing the lawn and one of the neighbors spoke about how he used to mow our lawn to keep the property looking decent. and anything that we requested be done to the house, like the electric box being fixed and a leaky pipe replaced before purchase he was more than willing to comply.

clue/suspicion 6
- Mr. Gere moved all the way to Lancaster (at least that's what he told us) which is about 2 hours away from us.

There are a few more clues that are helping me piece together the crime, but in the event that i don't want the post to be five pages long, i'm going to take a little break. Ponder if you will.

another day

so i feel like my life has been barreling along at a whopping 20 mph, yet everything imaginable has either happened, or i'm pretty sure is going to happen. in a month i'm getting married (woop woop!), and yet some how there is always drama.

one thing i would like to get clear (while whitening my teeth), not everything is about you. i'm not a 'Bridezilla' by any means but when people who clearly didn't give a shit about planning and expediting are asking questions due to seating arrangements and what not. it's selfish! i would never ask someone else to accommodate me because i'm a selfish ass. enough said on that topic.

school started last wednesday, so i'm starting to get full swing into that. there is this guy that i had 'met' during my Molecular Biochem series. i don't want to say met because i can't remember his name to save my life and would rather not talk to him... so anyways he's in all of my human nutrition classes this quarter (all 3) and has already asked me if i wanted to 'hitch a ride' with him in between the Food Science and Human Nutrition class. uhh.... no! also, i forgot to mention that during the second MolBioChem class he gave me his number so i could 'ask him questions' about anything in general. yeah, the minute he walked away i threw the number in the trash. seriously, get the hint!

and onto other news, i had an OB/GYN appointment last night in Dayton and on the way my car got a googly eye. the left blinker popped out. maybe it's being festive with Halloween, who knows. i'm going pumpkin picking tonight with Melon. can't wait!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

so funny it hurts

yesterday was the last round of antibiotics and all i am being left with is a side splitting pain... want to know where? my side. that's where. all this coughing has left my body nasty and bruised. i don't want to move, sit up or much less do any side bends that's for sure. every time i cough i feel like i'm being stabbed. not that i would have anything to compare it to, much like actually being stabbed. but if i was, i'm sure that's what it would feel like.

two nights ago i went to dinner with B and ever since then i feel like i don't want to eat anything. my appetite has been blotchy at best and i have a sneaking suspicion that's my body's way of preparing itself to die. therefore, if you haven't heard from me in awhile, you'll know why.

anyways, cut to dinner with B. afterwards we meander over to Barnes & Nobles. i decide we should go up to the upper level. bad idea. for one, escalators scare me a little bit. if they're going too fast i feel like i'm going to lose my balance when i step on and further more when you're trying to get on it to go down, one can easily fall. second of all, i was wearing slutty summer-time wedges. it was pretty much guaranteed that if we were to descend the escalators i would fall, then be pushed down by the moving stairs and my hair would get caught. needless to say, i bribed B to take the elevator down instead. which ended up being perfect because the elevator doors opened to where i could find the 'autobiography' of Chelsea Handler. i love her forever. the first one called My Horizontal Life, a collection of one night stands is AMAZING!! i read it in a day. that's some pretty hard core reading if you ask me. i enjoy a dry sense of humor and her deliverance is impeccable. therefore, this weekend i will be getting book number II. can't wait!!

Saturday, August 30, 2008

22 years equals my demise

let me tell you a little story. a story about the girl who was turning 22, and got bronchitis all at the same time. saturday started off with a bang when i woke up at 3 am crying because i couldn't breathe and my body felt like it was on pins and needles. at about 5:45 the same morning i ventured off to the local grocery and bought a thermometer. when i got to the car it was 99.8 and about five minutes later, the time it took me to drive home, it was an cool even 100 degrees F.

jump to saturday of the following week, i'm still on antibiotics and mucinex, i feel like i have a bruised lung and sound like a man...


Sunday, August 17, 2008

instant well-wishers

internet has been splotchy at best. clearly i am back from Canada, both books were superb. well... Under the Tuscan Sun was superb, the other Pretty is What Changes is a bit melodramatic with the flare of overdramaticism (not sure that's a word). it's about a spoiled rich girl who grew up to a harsh reality that the world isn't laced with cupcakes and sunshine all day every day. the realism of big cities and life without money means you don't do much to preserve what you have. i don't think she really gets that and hides behind the crutch of bodily sickness that is scaring the shit out of her through her mother... whom she resents since she 'never felt pretty enough her whole life'. long story short, she made the correct decision given her predetermined life of genetics and made her way past it. i'm glad that i was able to have some respect for her in the end, otherwise it would have been a complete disaster of about 200 printed pages. (opinionated huh?)

i kept a journal of when i was in Ontario and took gobs of pictures. my favorite is the sign of the dog swimming in water. that's their way of saying it's the animal friendly beach as opposed to the human friendly only beaches. oh! and all of the signs are split in French. that of course being the main reason if i ever wanted to move to Canada.

homes without appliances are sketchy at best. i guess it keeps you from eating since there is nothing the keep cold and nowhere to cook the invisible cold food on. but on the other hand, we do have the dishwasher... i could definitely wash the dishes of all the invisible food residue, that is when it stops leaking.

i'm out of touch today, i forgot my phone at a friends house. goodbye for the day!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Canada is a-Coming!

Things have been a little rocky for the past few days but they are finally getting back to normal and where they should and have always been. i'm leaving for Canada in about 1 week and 1 day... woop woop!! camping, laying in the sun and reading are going to be what I immerse myself from the 24th through the 3rd. I was going to count the number of days, but decided that i didn't really want too... hahaha!

I just read an article (with pictures, of course) about "2 hot 2 handle" stars, it's about their homes and their 'bods' if you will. It was stating about said star's renovation of a home and I read about a waterfall. I all of a sudden got real thirsty. weird! I'm talking about being so thirsty that I'm ready to immerse myself in a waterfall and soak it all in. crazy!!

I have a new memory card for my camera and lots and lots of batteries. Hopefully I will have uber pictures of my journey in the Canadian "wilderness". I'm hoping that we'll be able to have a campfire this year. The first time I went about 3 years ago there was burn ban due to a drought.

I'm already getting anxious about getting back because there is still sooo much to do with the house, the wedding and with my life in general. Apparently I was unaware when the New Year came that it was going to be chock full o' craziness.

OH! one more thing, I'm going to be taking at the very least 2 books with me. One is going to be Under the Tuscan Sun (since the movie is amazing) and I need a suggestion for a second one. I'm in a quest for knowledge this year so no Nora Roberts or Danielle Steele please. They are both great authors and what not, just not for me in the year 2008. Any suggestions would be wonderful. Much like my blog name... please and thank you!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

of course that would happen...

the other day when i was moving stuff from the apartment to the house i was cleaning out some trash from good old Passat. i'm not really a starbucks frou frou kinda drinker but i was enjoying myself a frappuccino. well i didn't finish all of the contents and i certainly wasn't about to at that very moment so i threw it away... naturally, like most people would do. only because i am a special breed of human being, when i threw it in the dumpster the lid some how popped off and splattered in my face and all over my shirt. 'are ya kidding me?!' is what i wanted to yell! the said dumpster is one of those huge ones that you would find behind most restaurants or in my case, an apartment complex. it's got the door that slides on the side with mountains and mountains of garbage. yep, and somehow i managed to squirt myself in the face with whipped coffee something or other... and of course that would happen to me.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

my wish 'to do' list

it's definitely summer time and boredom has officially kicked in. i was half expecting to take summer school classes this year, but since that was a bust it never really felt like i was out for the summer considering that i was fully prepared to be taking them. i didn't want to get into 'lazy mode' i guess. so here we are, 2:30 in the afternoon on a sunday and i just rolled off the couch about 30 minutes ago. i have been doing pretty well at keeping up in the dishes since the appliances in the new house are what we like to call 'out of date'. i haven't attempted to use the dishwasher, i'm afraid it's not going to do anything except be ridiculously loud. what's sweet about our little set up is that the wireless router will reach the kitchen unlike in the apartment. so whilst i am baking/cooking/jamming (jamming not to be used in the sense of making jams and jellies, but that's me listening to my music on little speakers connected to said ipod) i can update and use online recipes while my raspberry scones are baking away. my new 'thing' that i'm doing, is every sunday i'm going to bake something new that i haven't done... or done in awhile. let's not forget that cooking/baking is a huge passion of mine.

this sunday raspberry scones, next sunday... i'll let you know.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

when you're a celebrity...

this is too funny. for those who may not know, I work at a bank. well i guess we all did a great job at customer service. enough so for some dude to put an add in craig's list under 'missed connection'. Buah-haha-ha-haha!!

here's the link if you want to check it out. i must say that he's a little old for me. i like older dudes and all, but not that old!

oh and we found out about said dude's post because of another customer who had told us about it. this customer also let slip that the gentleman posts the same thing every few weeks!

Friday, July 4, 2008

my idea of the perfect day

we are having a small gathering this evening, like most people do, and i have been asked to bring a dessert. so in the midsts of preparing nummies for Melon and I's dinner, i have also been preparing some nummie strawberry cream puffs.

the most perfect day consists of being in the kitchen on a cool rainy day with nothing but my music, my bear and myself. oh and of course having my 'adult' drink to sip on all at the same time.

i love having the house to myself!

damn the ohio bugs

if i wake up with one more bug bite somewhere on my person i am going to rage out!

and if i find one more spider in the downstairs bathroom, i won't kill it. they scare me. i had Melon kill this grosse big one. totally creepy. when he smushed it he felt it pop... ick!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

what a disappointment

i'm reading the Jungle by Upton Sinclair because I'm always being told about the grosse ways in which they slaughter the animals and the awful unsanitary ways in which the meat and meat by-products are packaged and processed. I know it sounds nasty that that would be the reason that i am reading said book, but i think that i went in expecting too much. come to find out that the damn thing is more about politics and organizing unions (which is not all bad), i'm just not in the mood to read about it. i'm totally bored with the book and with about a chapter left, it feels like torture to try and read the rest of it...

needless to say, i don't recommend reading it.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


if you have ever seen 'Under the Tuscan Sun' then this post will be somewhat familiar to you. new houses are always surreal and empty upon purchase and then once you start to grow in them, they become something that you have never expected. giving a sense of 'home' in unfamiliar surroundings and old appliances with more bugs than you can count.

"introduce yourself slowly one room at a time, allow the house time to introduce itself to you"

it explains it all and says so little.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

sometimes pictures aren't always taken well

in an attempt to "re-capture" what it was like to register for wedding gifts, for the website of course, on the way home I was trying to get a picture of what we looked like after it was all done. Needless to say, my Melon was uncooperative and trying to have a little bit of "fun" at my expense. That "fun" being jerking the car before the shutter went off... ultimatley making me look stupid. Hope you enjoy some of the outtakes... courtesy of Melon.

YAY for houses and new beginnings!

Come Tuesday it will be official... we are getting the house! YAY!!! That means that I will be shipping off those hideous gold velvet curtains and perusing the local thrifts for wonderful used furniture and shabby chic inspired decor to fill the walls and rooms.

Yesterday we went and updated some of our wedding registries and I will let you know that Crate and Barrel apparently has a "no camera" rule in the store. I'm somewhat confused by this ruling because of the fact that if I want a picture of furniture and what have you, I can always get them ONLINE. Apparently they forgot that there is online shopping as well that gives all sorts of wonderful pictures of the products that they carry. Very interesting I must say.

Either way... We're getting a house!! I can't wait to pick out paint and new kitchen appliances.

Oh and a small update for the Friday the 13th post. We never got the chance to see the movie and is the second failed attempt, haha! We are going to try and see a matinée of the flick, so we'll see what happens. Hopefully I will see that effin movie today!

p.s. I made mini muffins today, they are delicious!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th


i had to work. and tonight we're going to watch that movie 'the strangers'. watch out for the rain storms too...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

never again

let me tell you how wonderful a 1998 VW Passat is people. in the entire year and about 4 or 5 months that i have owned this piece of shit, some of the crap that's gone wrong with it consists of;

1. new boots (whatever the hell those are, but apparently without them my wheels can snap off)

2. driver side butt warmer has gone out (which in my opinion is the important one considering who really sits in the passenger side)

3. gasoline ventilation valve (which still needs to be fixed i might add, without it my car stalls out after filling up. but that has been happening since day 1)

4. left rear light doesn't come on (i have a one sided butt on the car)

5. no cruise control (due to a short)

6. sometimes the gas door won't open (due to another short, they're probably related)

7. blinkers and hazards failed (the most recent of the mess happened last tuesday , couldn't take it in until friday)

8. 2 oil leaks (that's right. not 1 but 2! one is the oil pan under the car and the second is in the engine and in the winter time i get to breath in the fumes of oil burning off my engine)

9. the under carriage protector thingy is gone... due to the snow storm last winter. (it's the plastic cover under the front of the car that's supposed protect the oil filter and all that crap) --> although it's kinda my fault that it's gone, but i'm not gonna admit that.

so there you have it. no more Passats for me! although anyone who really knows me knows that i'm completely lying and that i would totally buy another VW. i kinda want a golf, or a rabbit. i'm not going to anytime soon considering that my car still isn't paid off yet.

i hate cars. except Honda's. i love them!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i think i'm losing my mind

it is currently 4:45am. the weather is wonderfully rainy and I have been up since 1 am studying for physiology, or what the university likes to call EEOB 232. to keep myself from going crazy, i just went outside and planted my basil. Ha! i hope no one saw me... it's pretty weird seeing a little gnome in pj's planting this early in the morning. i can't wait for that good 'ol nap in my car... it's a coming!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


and goodbye.

there is a farmer's market in the alley today. you best believe i replaced by dead basil with a live one and a pulled pork sammich. oh and hats off to sarah for giving me that milk found downstairs. i've been reading the carton and it looks as though it's going to be pretty tasty!

it's rainy, we've decided to go full force with the house after a brief consideration, and i have two exams in the next 12 hours + or -. you know how that shit goes.

wish me luck.


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Why do bones ache?

It's here. Came to me like a scream in the night. Believe me, I would much rather have preferred to say whisper, but that it did not. There wasn't even a warning. Just hurting pelvis and aching, radiating bones. My body is definitely trying to tell me something. Much to that avail I am not listening. My life doesn't head time for listening much anymore -- as if it ever did. I'm hoping that within the next week and half it will all change. Summer will be here and tan lines anxiously waiting. Cautiously I will admit that compared to about two years ago my life seems pretty dull. Settling into the everyday domesticated life has left a small hole. I'm not sure what needs to be filled in it, but there is something. I can sure as hell tell you what it does not need -- aching bones. Then again, walking up the stairs to the fifth floor to find that the door is locked and elevator out of order on the ground floor doesn't help my current situation. So casually I snuck through the first floor door to the elevator that does work to rejoin my journey to the top of the building. Pretty soon it's going to be time for lunch and hopefully a quick power nap. Yeah I doubt that napping part too. Oh well. I guess bed time will be whatever time it is that I venture through the front door and into my bedroom. I don't think that it'll be too far off. Or at least until the Stats homework is done... and maybe a little time for a Kaluha and cream refrigeration cleaning. That my friends is my agenda. May you have a much better evening than mine.

Departing now. Good day.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

irritability with a hand gun

i'm so irritable today. so much so that i feel like i'm pissed like a pregnant woman. i think it may have to do with the fact that my "female parts" have been acting up. this week will be week 4 out of a time span of about 6 weeks. my body hates me and in turn i hate it.

in other news, Melon's mother thinks we're going to get stabbed by the Mexicans who live above us and there's still no word on whether or not we're getting the house.
my dog is so awesome that he has upgraded from chasing his tail to chasing his foot.

enough said.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

i HATE neighbors and most people

Apparently SOME people do not understand the concept of "sleepy time". That is, when the sun goes down shut the fuck up because people below you are trying to sleep. Apparently, what would seem like common courtesy is not the same amongst other people. It's bad enough that on Sunday mornings I'm woken by your annoying ass child, whom in my opinion should be in school, running across the ceiling. It's super early, and while I have been up for about 3 hours now, it does not excuse the fact that when we sleep with a loud ass fan on, and we can still hear you jumping around, you're just too damn loud! Unfortunately for me, I'm not a confrontational person, otherwise I would have marched my pissed off ass up to your door and started screaming. I've thought about it, but instead I'm going to write a note. Although, I'm more nervous that it will only escalate the situation and they will deliberately start stomping. But then again, my guess is that one would get the hint when I've hit the ceiling with my broomstick and started screaming to 'shut the Fuck up!!' on more than one occasion. Damn you people, and damn you Melon for making us take the downstairs apartment. I'll let you know how my note goes. Not to sound degrading, but they are Mexican neighbors who speak very little Spanish and the boys ogle me when they pass. I too am Mexican, but seriously!, what's the effin' problem? I clearly live with a boy, why would they feel as though I am 'on the market' so the speak. I think that's more of the reason why I haven't gone up to yell at them. I don't think that the boys are going to take me seriously, so like I said... I'll let you know how the note goes.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

stinky kitty?

Seriously? I'm not sure if you've heard or not but i guess somewhere in the US a lady was attacked by a Bobcat. But the kicker is that she wrestled it and pinned it to the ground. hahaha!! There is a video of the interview and they show the stinky kitty on, but what's even funnier is that at the very end there is a guy's voice and he says 'seriously? well it's not really that big'. My guess is that while he was stunned to hear that she wrestled the critter to the ground, he had to come up with some 'logical' reason as to how to woman could have physically done so, not really sure. My money is on the Spice Girls, she just had Girl Power... bud!

my 'Melon' is kinda mushy

i know this may seem a little mushy and not at all what i usually post. but you know when you've met "the one" and you just know? every time i think of that phrase i always think of the movie 'When Harry Met Sally', it's one of the opening couples and there's this older woman that says "i knew, the way you know about a good melon"--- that's Shane. He's my Melon. i think that being on the verge of becoming a married woman with a mortgage and a cat (my cat being Rosco of course), it changes you. i never once wanted kids. when i was 17 i was convinced i was never getting married, never having kids and dieing alone, a little melodramatic huh? my thoughts exactly. but i always saw the 'movie romances' and had never found it. sure my relationship with my Melon is nothing like a movie or story board, but it's perfect for me. he gets me, he laughs at my stupid jokes (most of the time), he likes that i'm quirky, and he doesn't expect anything from me. i can just be, and it's so refreshing. a breath of fresh air when i need it. i love him unconditionally even when he drives me crazy. he's everything. he's my Melon. the end.

OK I admit it already!

i have a tick. that tick being that i can't stand it when there are people who constantly look over my shoulder or across the room to monitor what i am doing on MY computer. this may be why i never take my laptop to school or sit next to someone whilst i am surfing the web. it urks the crap out of me!... so please stop. (even if i am telling you in my head, i figured you could figure it out from the looks. sense the tone... sir!)

you're gonna be a homeless dog walkin mother fucka

i've been awful at updating recently, but i think it's because i have been super duper busy! while sometimes i feel like my life is moving at a crawling pace, i also can't help but realize that i'm getting married in 5 months, my internship will be over at the end of the month, and school is going to be out come a few more weeks. i feel like the quarter just started, and here it is about to be over. we have the guest list for invites finalized and the save-the-date cards mailed out courtesy of my mother/wedding planner --- without her i probably would have just settled for the Justice of the Peace type of ceremony and called it quits. OH! i don't know if i have mentioned it, but about a month ago we FINALLY got a washer and dryer. it's one of those energy efficient sets too. i'm pumped! no more laundry mats with the creepy, smelly people that like to stare. no more people lugging their smoky clothes in black garbage bags who don't know what it means to "separate colors", no more creepy lady trying to make conversation with me when clearly i am staring at a wall with my head phones blaring, and no more quarter machines weighing down my wallet/pants pockets... ANYMORE!! I also have this awful rash on my face. my opinion is that it's chemical burn from my face wash, but now it's all itchy and in random places. help me?

i've totally been up since 2:45 am, my hair is getting uber long (again), i think i aced my quiz from the heinous physiology class, and i have ravioli for lunch. things are looking up and i think that today is going to be a good day! i think that's it for now, well in a nut shell. i'm sure that i'll think if more stuff. no word on the house yet either, so keep your finger's crossed.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

damn you Raisinets!

This morning, i of course awoke at 4:30 am like with every Tuesday to finish studying and getting prepared for my quizzes at a wonderful 7:18 am Physiology class. Everything is going great, I made a few fuck ups on the quiz but overall I think that I'm going to do pretty well. For those of you who do not know, I do not thrive on coffee or tea or any caffeinated beverage for that matter. I could never get into it, plus coffee makes me jittery and want to poop all the time. So every Tuesday I am running off of pure energy and it kind of makes sense after all as to why I go to bed so early (9 pm cough cough)... well on most evenings. Weekends are a different story, I am young after all. Either way, I'm going about my day. I ate a yummy, somewhat soggy tuna sandwich for lunch and i saved the Raisinets for last. They don't have my dreaded HFCS, and they're delicious, only as I'm sucking them down one by one, this devil raisin gets a wild hair up its ass I swallow down the wrong tube. Not I'm coughing/choking/not breathing for about 5 minutes. My face is beet red, eyes watery and I feel like I have a bug in my throat. I don't know if it exhausted me or what, but now I'm super sleepy and cursing the names of all Raisinets!

I think I'll buy myself a new movie tonight for all my troubles. What to get, what to get?!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

whoever said orange is the new pink, is seriously disturbed

i have been keeping mum on the subject of house hunting and buying since well, Shane is doing everything and i'm in the dark. So with that said, I didn't want to get my hopes up. We are "officially" in contract with the house and have been for a few weeks now but again, i don't want to get my hopes up. It's a little split level with three bedrooms, a solarium and a fire place... oh yeah there is a faux "theatre room" in the basement accompanied with gold velvet curtains. Needless to say they will be coming down! I can't wait to paint and so far things are looking pretty good for us getting the house.

p.s. I'm excited!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

i think my temporary euphoria is wearing off

whoever had the idea that making a class at 7:18 and then having us take exams for said early class just as early is a joke! a joke that makes me want to peel the skin off of your face whilst laughing maniacally. last night i slept for about 4 hours, got up at 11 pm and started my debauchery of studying... til 5 AM! i then decided that it would be a good idea to get to class early, i could find my seat, review the test info and take that stupid-ass exam. only to my amazement the doors to the building were locked so i got to stand in the cold with a fellow student for 45 minutes! HELLO! what is wrong with the campus? but i guess it wasn't too bad because at that exact moment i felt like i was floating across paved roads to a cloud of wonderfulness.

i'm not so sure that i did well on the quiz that my teacher made us take in addition to the exam, but i'm thinking that i did OK on the exam itself. i know for a fact i already missed 2 questions, but i did get the extra credit right... awoo-hoo!!

i'm going to clean and then take a nap. this evening is going to be filled with dream wonderfulness, especially since i will be in bed for the evening in about 4 hours and counting. 7 o'clock... here i come!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


my bathing suit top is being mailed too... awoo-hoo!! for bathing a full bathing suit!


and i'm ridiculously hot

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

i forgot to mention

what i forgot to mention is that about a month ago i ordered a new bathing suit out of the Victoria's Secret catalogue. it's called the "tuxedo bikini" complete with little bows on the bottoms and one on the top. well it was on back order... no problem right? i got an email today saying the bottoms are being shipped, but where's the top? am i not supposed to have a top? i guess i will be forced to go topless and it will be all Victoria's Secrets fault. at least that's what i'm going to say if anyone asks. i'll keep you posted when it arrives. i'm excited!

I think Karma's going to get me...

this morning upon my journey back to my car, there were about 2 cars waiting for students to go to their cars so they could take their parking spots. normally, i just tell whoever is waiting where my car is because these students still have to get to class on time and there is nothing i hate more than fighting other students for parking. so as i am walking, i am approached by a nameless girl, cuz i kind of didn't ask. she proceeded to ask me if i was leaving, my answer of course being yes, and then she asked if i could wait for her. but then there was this asshole in a truck that decided he didn't want her to have said spot and was blocking her. i was standing right there, and i didn't quite know what to do so i got in her car and she drove over to my car. i felt so bad for her because she told me that she had a midterm in like 5 minutes and this guy was being a dueche! he was such an ass that he was trying to guess where my car was so that he could block either one of us from me leaving and her parking there. eventually he creeped along a little too far and alas there was victory! but i'm still pretty certain that since i was evading him getting the spot that Karma is going to get me... but i guess we'll see.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

don't yawn in my face, Rosco

I have been in a funk these past few days, well because pretty much everyone around me has too and I'm sick of it. Friday was actually a good day, but then later fell apart... continuing my funk. Yesterday i went to an antique mall with a girlfriend of mine who i haven't seen in forever and it was wonderful! i found this awful tiger velvet painting that i just had to get. (I'll take pictures soon) Either way, I didn't get home til real late last night and since Rosco had been cooped up all night, I felt bad and decided that I would sleep out in the living room with him. BAD decision, i froze and the damn creature wouldn't calm down to save my life. Now it is about 11 am, I want to go back to sleep but my other half has stolen my blanket as well. So I think that I'll go for cheese. I have been fending for Brie and besides I'm all out of Parmesan. Trader Joe's... here I come!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 9, 2008

The sky is falling in drops. Not enough to dampen or damage, just enough to layer the pavement in sorrows. Last night was the most un-meaningful in a long time. Rolling over to sleep can seem most unforgiving. A not so lazy Sunday is in the horizon because of business and machinery. Classes are demanding of hours and minutes with few breaks in between. My new favorite sparkle is a Bosc Dla Rei Moscato D'Asti, and a pilgrimage to restock is coming without a doubt. My spirits are low for no particular reason, and the bed sheets are calling my name while customers are screaming at me from the other side through a microphone. Ugh, another day meanders on at a slow crawl as the ice pick shoves deeper in before nightfall. Hopefully it will help me sleep better tonight. If you're in the neighborhood, don't stop by, instead listen to "Your Shoes and the World to Come", it's melodic and wonderful, encasing my entire mood and outlook of April 9, 2008; a Wednesday I am soon to forget.

April 10, 2008 --- feels the same today.

I think i have new neighbors...

because there is salsa music coming from my ceiling!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Thow the bowl out the window, then: cover teh stove with a blanket

i love love LOVE buying fresh produce, so anytime i go to the grocery it's like a candy store. so yesterday i bought these mangoes that were on sale, 3 for $1.00, i know! i would have been crazy to pass it up. well i bought 6 (Ha!). they are smaller than regular mangoes but i bought two of them last week and they were pretty tasty. not so much the case about 3 minutes ago. i'm about to leave for work and looking for tasty morsels for breakfast. one english muffin just won't do it and as i'm poking around my kitchen, my eyes lock on those little green/yellow/red delights. i gladly slice one open, put the little score marks to make little squares, invert the peels and start chowing down. all of a sudden my face squishes up as there is this hateful sour taste in my mouth! this thing is POTENT. it tastes like a combination between an orange and sour patch kids with a hint, just a hint of mango. to my dismay, i chased it with a marshmallow. Ick! i feel like my lips are going to shrivel up and my head is pounding, i think they tried to kill me. i think they are called artafulo, maybe artafaulo?, artufalo? i don't know, we'll settle on calling them aguilera mangoes. i think i got a bad one...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

he's officially sick and i'm officially stupid

to put it on the record, i have a bad habit of not thinking before i speak and it usually ends up to be either real embarrassing or real funny. apparently, yesterday at work my co worker and i were talking briefly about school and the dorms and yadda yadda yadda... i then proceed to ask her if she got a "melanoma shot" before moving into the dorms. she was such a sport about not wanting to make me feel stupid, but since i started laughing hysterically, i guess that's what outed me! what i meant to ask was whether or not she got her meningitis shot. Ha!

my poor boo is sick. urgent care said he may have bronchitis, but today we're going to get a different opinion from a family doctor they recommended him to. i feel bad for him, and Rosco keeps trying to lick his face. he just wants to give the kisses.

i think we're going to go look at houses today too.. yay!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How Does Surgery Change Your Genetic Predisposition?

While this may be a very controversial topic, I still cannot help myself from commenting on what it is that I am seeing and hearing in relation to a new book. The book is called Pretty Is What Changes written by a woman by the name of Jessica Queller, and it chronicles her journey through having a double mastectomy. While the subject matter is not completely horrifying, it's the reasoning behind it. This morning on the radio on my way to school I was listening to NPR and the host of that morning talk show was interviewing Jessica Queller, hence the connection of how I have heard of the book. Jessica briefly discusses how she decided to undergo a voluntary double mastectomy due to the fact that she had tested positive for the "BRCA" gene. Basically what that is is it's a hereditary gene that gives you a higher potential of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. The gene can be mutated, and only 1 in about 800 people have it. She talks briefly as well about how her mother had died of ovarian cancer, prompting her to have the test done.

Now, all of that I don't have a problem with per say because I would have had the test done too. What I had a problem with is how she, what seemed to me, glorified the death of her mother and her surgery. She was saying about how her "beautiful, vibrant mother" had died from a "terrible, agonizing" battle with ovarian cancer and she did not want to go through the same thing. Watching her mother battle the cancer was the most terrifying experience for her, as it should be. I would never wish upon anyone to have to watch their parents die. As a result, she wanted to eliminate the odds of battling cancer before it had become substantial in her life. But as the interview progresses, she is talking about how she had breast re-constructive surgery, a standard procedure with every mastectomy, and even though she had tested positive for being at en even higher risk of ovarian cancer she decided not to have her ovaries removed. That in my mind immediately set off a red flag. How is one person going to talk about a life changing decision and surgery without going through with the one procedure to get rid of the disease that ended up killing her mother? Her whole basis for getting tested, and her whole basis for getting genetic counseling, etc. ultimately leading her to the current lifestyle changes she has made currently is being bypassed.

The first word that came to mind was hypocrite and later being followed by vanity. At that moment I felt all she was trying to do was justify getting a boob job by making it seem as though her life was in danger and this is something she HAD to do. As the interview progresses she explains how she wants to still have biological children and since she is still single and dating, it would shut down her odds of living that dream; hence the reason for not having her ovaries removed. From what I heard, she is now 38 years old and when she hits 40 she is then going to have her ovaries removed because women who bare children in there 40's is considered "prudent". So now as my rationale is starting to kick in a bit, I still feel as though this Jessica Queller is trying to make something out of a horrible situation. I know that sounds a bit harsh and even in my mind that's not how I work, so I told myself to stop being judgmental and I put it out of my mind.

Meanwhile, as the day is progressing and later into the evening when I am cleaning my kitchen it still keeps popping up in my mind. If what she is doing is really going to make a "difference" in her health then why didn't she go through with the removal of her ovaries in the first place? If she is so concerned, can she not develop ovarian cancer within the 4 years or so after having the double mastectomy? What about the life threatening consequences of anesthesia while she is having her breasts removed? There are still ways in which to preserve those eggs, and in any case if she does want a child, what is wrong with adopting? Are the children without parents not good enough? Furthermore, if this hereditary gene is something that she is scared to death of, why would she want to possibly pass that onto her child? I have played the entire thing in my mind dozens of times today. The pros of having the surgery means no cancer. The cons is that she has fake breasts instead of real ones, and instead of having ovaries she doesn't. But the kicker is that there is still no guarantee of not getting cancer, and the question of "How is this going to make a difference?" still isn't being answered; and while she does had the BRCA gene, there is still no guarantee that she will develop cancer. Technically I should be tested for the BRCA gene as well considering that my grandmother is a breast cancer survivor, and with only have a 32A cup, I too would like bigger breasts, but how is it going to change anything genetically?

The only way that I'm going to have any kind of answers or closure would be to read the book. Hopefully it will change my mind and I can see how her decision is a positive thing for her. Perhaps that's just what she needed to heal herself... who knows?! I have dozens of questions and no place to answer them. I plan on reading that book within the next few months and I can only hope that I will have a different approach to the one I have now.

Comments? Please feel free to leave 'em. The web address for the audio interview can be found at It is only about 7 minutes long.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Some might say,

when the hood of one's car is smoking, it's never a good thing.

I seriously need to take my car in to be looked at. Poor little Passat is leaking and in need of a new leg (tire). From when we had all the snow, I should probably look into getting a new front panel for the under carriage of little old Passat too. Looks like Tuesday evening is going to fun-filled and expensive!

p.s. I watched the Alamo last night. It was ridiculously boring. And I'm talking about the one with Dennis Quaid and Billy Bob.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

just a variable aid to reason, and not a moment too soon

The opening titles from my first week back from a journey to the backwoods of N. W. Arkansas have proven to be both peaceful and not as so. A day to day process will be as follows;

Day 1:

I decided to write in my notebook a small reflection of the day before my class started that I was going to use as my journal entry. Only I ran into a small problem;

"What a perfect time to reflect. After a week's retreat with sunny skies and warm winds, I am here to report that I am back in cold skies and cold winds central Ohio. School has started back this morning and I am to return to work promptly at noon. My sleepy eyes feel like they're going to close ever so slightly and my body is telling me in more ways than one that I have not had enough sleep in the past few days. Not to dilute the topic at hand, but have you ever realized how much fun it can be to "people watch"? How everyone gathers in the hall before class, standing within the comfortable inch or so from one another and not making eye contact. I am not one to blame either for I am sitting here writing, one in the same as everyone else, but it's all very interesting to see. There is the girl leaning on the window with blue jeans, a university jacket, and sensible walking shoes. There is the girl with the brown tweed trench, blue jeans and ugg boots; which by the way I'm surprised haven't gone away... "

And just as my thoughts kicked in, my pen ran out of ink, swallowing my morning's thoughts into an abyss of physiology and stats.

Days two and three kind of ran together like a big sleepy blur although one of those nights I caught my dog blowing bubbles in his water bowl. He was fishing for swollen kibble for a tasty snack.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

bad all around

Ever have those days where you can't concentrate? Me sitting here feels like a giant waste of time. Two exams, one day, equals 'kill me now'. I think it's a conspiracy - against me. Ugh.

p.s. my pear tastes like a potatoe; this is going to be a bad day. I can feel it in my bones.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Socks are warm on cold Feet

In the midst of studying I have had an epiphany of what my lunch should taste like. I have gotten into the habit of packing my lunch since having a half an hour in between leaving work, finding any kind of parking on campus that may or may not be half a mile away, and getting to class on time; generally leaves me zero room for stopping to get lunch, and I would rather not spend the money if at all possible anyway. With that said, that leads me to where I am currently. I have some "rice cake snacks" that are caramel corn packed into my menagerie of deliciousness. On a conscious note, a few weeks ago I decided to make an effort to cut high fructose corn syrup out of my diet because well, it's in everything plus I enjoy the challenge of finding stuff to eat. Much to my dismay, Friday at the grocery when I happened upon these death cakes I was so taken by the '60 calories per serving' memo on the front of the bag that it left me no time to survey the ingredients before I picked it up with my little fingers and chucked it into the basket. Unluckily for me, last night I had discovered its secret of containing my dreaded enemy, HFCS. But since I did spend a good $2.85 on the damn bag, I swallowed my pride and decided I would eat them anyway. Considering the facts I am a poor college student about to get married has left me with a giant hole in my pocket. Little did I know, while sitting outside my classroom enjoying my yummy tuna fish with cucumber sandwich, pear slices, and "rice cake snacks" that they were very very heinous! They are not only disgusting but they are making my tongue tingle, and not in a "rice crispy" sort of way, rather a "chemical, this is not supposed to happen" sort of way. While I would like to have had previous knowledge I figured that I would do you the courtesy of cautioning you before you spend $3.00 in chump change on some grosse ass snacks. Although, if you are reading my disclaimer and disagree, so be it. I gave you fair warning!

For some other interesting, "what the 'eff are you doing?!" news; after the catastrophic 20" of snow we got over the past weekend, I decided to wear my really cute, non-winterized, leopard print flats. I officially hate myself since my feet are now cold, wet and pruned. (Ick!)

Come Friday I will be on a plane, on my way to Arkansas and hopefully warmer climate. Awoo-hoo... the count down begins!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

dresses and more dresses

Saturday started off with a bang. I got some delicious lime sugar cookies from this cute little bakery in the German Village and headed onward to Dayton for my 3 day 4 night retreat of wedding planning. Once I arrived home, we headed to Cincinnati to put deposits on the bridesmaids dresses so they could all be ordered. I knew from the get go that it was going to take a little while for the dresses to come in, but it is going to take close to 4 months! Also in the process of ordering, I learned that my 13 year old cousin who is going to be a junior bridesmaid is bigger than me now. Talk about sad and depressing.

The place that we are getting the bridesmaid dresses from is the same place where I found my dress. Granted we bought my wedding dress from a private seller far cheaper than retail, and we have been in about 3 times to try it on. It is only the sample dress so it is much bigger than the one I have, and I was helped by the same individual -- Cynthia. She is an older lady, and from my understanding they get a commission from the dresses they sell. Needless to say, she really wants me to get this gown (the one I already have) and the past few times we have gone in, she has been pressuring us to put a deposit on the dress. In my opinion that is very rude. We have already stated to her that we are still determining on whether or not that is the dress I want, and she still keeps pushing. (my small disclaimer is that we never committed to buying the dress from her) She even went as far as to try to make me the decision maker of money, when really I have no say in it. Well, Saturday when we went in she totally saw us. It was definitely awkward considering that she was walking around in the bridesmaid section rather than in the bridal section where she belonged. Long story short, my sister had to smuggle me out, and I'm sure that it's not going to be last time I see that I woman.

One of my best friends Kera, just got engaged about 2 weeks ago, so we are starting to talk about her plans and the types of dresses that she wants to try on. Luckily for me, the only place that carried "The Cotton Bride" label is the same place where Cynthia is lurking. That will be interesting, and I'm sure that you can sense the sarcasm.

Either way, the planning must go on and I have finally settled on the type of flowers I want for center pieces at the reception (white orchids) and yesterday after the planning of the rehearsal dinner at Pacchias, (which was fabulous!) we found a florist. We had been traveling back and forth to a few others in town, but this particular one had just the right ambiance. So in the heat of things, everything seems to be coming together!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Much-ado about Anne Frank

I'm here at the University in between classes and my food lab where I have stumbled upon a headline about Anne Frank. It is about the boy with whom she loved and hadn't seen in the 2 years that she was hidden away from the Nazi's before she was found and later shipped to a concentration camp. I don't know what struck me about it, but i have always had a profound interest in history and people's lives back then. I almost feel as though it were a simpler time, and sometimes find myself to be a little bit envious. But then again, I also find it great that I live in the present time where there have been so many advances in medicinal practices and technological advances. Hell, DNA itself was found in 1896. That's a little over 100 years ago. Further more, the discovery of the double helix was confirmed in 1958, and DNA profiling (paternity/maternity tests) was established in 1984. That's 2 years before I was born! While I may say that it was a simpler time back then, everything that has happened has been somewhat in my generation. I still have family members alive that were living and breathing during that time, and there is still a long way to go; perhaps we still are in a simpler time after all.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

one more sleepy hour on the dot

Another wintery mixed day brings a cold office and tired eyes. There is no quiz for class tonight, only dirty laundry and cookie batter in the fridge. I have come to the conclusion that I don't enjoy the baked cookie form of a chocolate chip cookie than I do in the batter form. I have always thought that in the back of my mind, but only until last night has it ever come out.

Yage sounds wonderful in my ears and Arkansas is calling my name for Spring Break. A real hot spot, I know! The one good thing about it though, is I get to see the house of the woman who has all the babies. It sounds like a Friends title; "the one with the house and the woman with all the babies".

For those who did not see the TLC documentary, there is a woman who we will call Willadean. Willadean has been married to Bruce for I would say about 10 years, (keep in mind I saw the documentary about 5 years ago) and they are some sort of German Baptist or something like that. The main idea to take away from the point I am making, Willadean and Bruce do not believe in birth control because it goes against their religion. She also can't cut her hair and the women all wear dresses.

Anyway, the last that was reported in the documentary, she was getting ready to pop out her 15th child! She had already had 2 sets of twins and her oldest I think was about 16 or 17. The only way they could afford to feed all of these children was through Bruce and his car dealership that he owned. The cameras followed them around for about 2 weeks or so up until Willadean had the baby. She home-schooled all of her children, showed them how to make all of their clothes and all of the younger children wore the "hand me downs".

The one distinct thing that I do remember, because it made me want to pull my hair out, she said "I will have as many children as God wants me to". Ok, first of all, it's called biology you freak! I know things can happen, and even if one is using an effective means of protection (i.e. birth control, condoms, etc.) one can still conceive. But if you are on your 15+ child, figure it out! You don't own a farm, there are effective medications now so you don't have to worry about the plague wiping out your family name. Either get it together or stop having sex.

I wonder if when I visit Arkansas if I'm going to see any of them running around, and you better believe I'm taking pictures. So til next time, please don't have 15 babies.. I'm talking to you Willadean.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

apparently I am fertile and babies sign checks with pacifiers

As much of a weird personality that I have, there are just some things that I can't make up. For example, another wonderful day at the bank leads to me getting talked down to like I'm an idiot. It must be the fact that I am young or it might possibly have to do with the fact that in person I look like a 15 year old little girl. Whatever the reason, just because you have a check written to your child doesn't mean that you can deposit that into your checking account. The check is not made out to you. If it's really a problem then open a custodial account for your child, especially if you are foreseeing checks being written to the order of your child in the future. In any case, the woman proceeds to ask me how infants are supposed to sign checks over to their parents. Her most descriptive form of back talking was by asking if babies are supposed to drool on the checks or use their pacifiers to sign checks over to their parents. Me of course not wanting to deal with it, mediated the situation by politely telling her that I did not know how to answer her question and quickly proceeded to helping the next customer in line. This however was unacceptable to her and asked for my manager, which I gladly obliged and retrieved. But by golly when we got to the drive thru window the dumb bitch had driven away... go figure. I was looking forward to my manager making her look like a dumb-ass. I think that my reasoning for that was due to my partial vendetta for the guy who made me cry; whom by the way I have yet to see again. I think he got the hint not to come back.

Then last night I was told by one of my partners in my food lab that since I have wide hips that means I'm fertile. hahaha! I think my hips have to do with the fact that i'm hispanic rather than being based solely on the fact that I'm fertile. But then again, who knows anymore?

Monday, February 18, 2008

what, are you gonna send my fries to Africa?

A small update from the weekend movie night, 3,000 Miles to Graceland turned out to be a really cute movie. I'm not normally a Kurt Russell fan, with the exception of Big Trouble Little China, and I was quite impressed. I was glad however that Courtney Cox was in the movie because I pretty much love her. Shane and I have a major Friends obsession. We have all ten seasons and ever since we moved into our new apartment last October, we had to eliminate some amenities because the bills are a little more expensive this time around, so as a result we had to kick the cable. But all is good because we have a never ending Friends marathon. Sadly though, about a month ago we finished all ten seasons... that was about 3 months. (Oops!)

Never-the-less, Will and Grace is making a come back. We have seasons 1-3 and have already watched all of those as well... (sigh) Now it's just a matter of investing in the other 7 (i think). Will and Grace was on for 10 seasons right?

Last night, two of Shane's friends were sharing a birthday party extravaganza and I was given command that I had to attend. It was at one of their girlfriend's house whom I had only met maybe one time before. She seems nice enough, but the best part of my entire evening was the fact that she has a long haired weiner too! She was soo unbelievably cute! She was a chocolate colored one so her nose was brown instead of black like Rosco's. Her hair wasn't as long as Rosco's but she had also just had puppies a few months before so she was a little soft around the edges and her nips were still kind of big. I don't know if because she was a girl that she was tinier than my bear but her face was itty bitty, and everytime she looked at me my heart melted. Shane has turned me into a weiner dog freak, a FREAK I tell you! I want another one soo bad. Too bad we didn't know that she had puppies before because they were all dapple, which is the coloring that we want now. We were about 3 months too late, Boo!

If anyone knows where to get a dapple girl for no more than $400, please let me know. Rosco needs a sister, he said so himself last night.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

icicles hung down like prison bars

Movie night tonight at my apartment consisting of only me and Rosco is sometimes fun. In all actuality it is probably better than being out in the cold cold weather that has partaken most, if not all of Ohio. A few weeks back... who am I kidding, it was about a month back, Shane and I decided to go through all of the movies in his collection and pick out the ones that either I, he or we have not seen. Over the years I've been able to sneak a few of my favorites (When Harry Met Sally, Garden State, Too Wong Foo... just to name some). All of which he has pretty much seen already. So really it's just me watching all of the movies that I haven't seen yet.

This evening, the selection that I chose to go with was called Too Young to Die?, this movie stars Juliette Lewis, Brad Pitt and a whole bunch of nobodies. It's about a girl names Amanda Sue something who gets abandoned by everyone, hitchhikes to some little dirt town where she meets Brad Pitt's character. She has no money so he pimps her out as a dancer in some shit club. The only retarded thing is that she is supposed to be 14 years old. A little unbelievable if you ask me. Another key point about it is that it was probably filmed in about 1992 and could have easily passed as a Lifetime daytime type of movie. The only question left to ponder is why the hell he had that dumb ass movie in his possession?! (haha!)

Movie number 2... 3,000 Miles to Graceland. Hopefully it is nothing like the last one.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Back To 108!

I think that yesterday was the perfect day to order my wedding cake, and that's just what I did! Now that things are starting to come together I'm really getting excited. The few things left are to order the food, taste the food at Pacchia's for the rehearsal dinner, and pick out flowers. Other than that, everything is done and I don't know if you recall from past entries, preferably the day after christmas, when I tried on my dress right after I ate and I wanted to burst. I had the biggest gut known to man... So now that it's about a month or two later and I stopped drinking soda, I am back to my svelte 108 pounds. I'm pumped! I tried on my dress again yesterday and it was perfect, especially with the veil that we just got in. yay!

As for valentine's day, Shane and I didn't have the money to go all out so we made each other cards. It was perfect. He even made a "pop-up" heart to go in the middle when I opened it. hahaha. He's so cute! I'm just waiting for Rosco's gift now. Although, I have a hunch that he's not getting me anything other than a deflated toy he has already had for about two months. (sigh...)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Chonny's Cinematic Moment

Through the Eyes of Me!

Since I am not prone to telling "cinematic moments" the way in which my chicka Chonny here does, I am going to have to improvise since she is a little under the weather. I will call this, "cinematic moment of a lazy day". So here goes,

The day kick started off with me wanting to get up early to study for my quiz that I was supposed to have this evening. I would not be lying if I said that when my alarm went off at a frosty 5:45 am, I decided to poke my arm out of the pile of covers Shane hates that I keep on the bed, and switch it off for another 30 minutes. The only bad thing being that I did that about 5 times til it was too late. So I just rolled out of bed and piled on some clothes so I could face the day.

For lunch, my feat of switching from white to whole wheat bread is becoming something of a habit now. It's not so bad. It was also the only thing I had, I didn't have a choice but to eat it.

After the internship was over, I trucked/trecked (will someone please tell me how it's supposed to be spelled/used?) on over to my car so I could go to class. Have you ever seen a movie where someone steps off of a curb and into a HUGE puddle because it looks like a pile of snow. That was me today. It got me, and both my feet. I was sad... Then when I arrived at class, no one was there because she canceled the quiz and moved it to Thursday.

All in all, I think that I'm ready for bed and it's about 7 pm.

On the upswing, here are pictures of me drunk.

Just kidding, I was just having breakfast; and a good time at that!

Monday, February 11, 2008

just a few things, continued

to update on a few things,

i ended up getting a 37 on my second exam. although, in all actuality, i ended up getting a 35, but because dr. sanford knew she eff'ed up she added an extra point to all the exams. and even better for me, since i attended class on friday with about 29 others out of a class of 130, dr vaghy decided to take attendance and i got an additional extra point for that too. so all in all, i managed to get 2 extra points, making my grade higher than the first exam... it's definitely something how all of that works out.

the most adorable, yet disgusting thing to watch my dog do?! that would be the "butt train" on the carpet. it's so funny to watch a wiener dog do that. again... weird sense of humor, very weird!

and uh, for shameless self indulgence, my mom makes what are called "sweater bags". they are to die for and i have about 4 that i swap out on a daily basis. check em out and buy some! the link for her etsy site is in my toolbar to the right! -------------------------------->

wish me luck on my quiz tomorrow.

just a few things

it's been a tad bit longer than i would have expected before i made another post, but some things for the past few weeks have either been real wierd, a bit odd, or even stupid to say the least. i'm sure most can relate, so i think that i'll start it off from the top.

last week was molecular biochem exam number 2. the first one i got a 36 out of 50. not so bad in comparison to last quarter but i really worked my ass off and maybe i was just doing the whole study thing wrong. i kind of feel a bit jaded because the instructor Dr. Vaghy gives study guides and takes a majority (about 85%) of the exam questions from these "sample exams", so needless to say i should have done WAY better. that was about a week and a half ago to the day. then they decide that the next exam is going to be on a wednesday, last wednesday to be exact. it was literally 1 week later, give or take 2 days. this time Dr. Sanford (whom i have a strong disgust for now) decides to make the exam 30 pages long! there were 5 pages of short answer, 2 pages of matching/labeling which really shouldn't have been on there, and about 4 pages of multiple choice. i wanted to die. everyone who came out of the lecture hall after me was either pissed off (like i was) or completely baffled at what had just happened. in my opinion, she hates all college students...

on the employment front, since transferring from the bexley office to the clintoville office, i have seen my name written on money twice. i have only been there since the third week in december, further more, i doubt the name "Sophia" is really all that common; considering the fact that in my entire time being here in ohio (about 15 years) i have only met a handful of people with my name. i apparently have a "money stalker".

over the weekend i rented the movie Paris Je'Taime. it's wonderful! it has about 13... or maybe 27... i don't know. it has a collaboration of all these short films involving love and the city of Paris. my most favorite one is the opening scene. there is a guy driving around trying to find a parking spot. he's getting really pissed off and at the last minute he finds one, then about 3 or 4 people pull up next him trying to see if he is leaving, so they can get his spot. the funniest thing is when he says "shove off, buttface" i have said it once and i'll say it again, i have a very wierd sense of humor and that line pretty much made my day. and for no reason at all.

friday my mother drove up from dayton and brought me an article on alpacas and llamas. ohio is trying to get them sanctioned as livestock rather than exotic animals so the farms who have/own them can get major benefits from the state. from what i read, ohio has the biggest population of llama/alpaca owners throughout the entire U.S... you can only imagine how happy that made me!

lastly, not last weekend, but the weekend before me and becky were going to attend her first ever seen drag show. the only bad part is that it was in a hole in the wall bar in clintonville, i don't know what was worse, us being the youngest ones there or the fact that it was mardi gras themed with a bunch of old geezers singing karaoke. needless to say, we didn't stay and she has yet to encounter her first drag show. we looked super cute though!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

the fundamental decision

i am switching from white bread to whole wheat. i'm kinda scared.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

to the mean man in the drive-thru

I don't know about you, but when I am visiting my financial institution, I am always on my best behavior. You know why? It's because a lot of the time, they are right and you are wrong. If you overdraw your account, nine time out of ten, you already know about it. If you "lost" your debit card, we can get you a new one, just please be specific about what happened to it. Further more, when you have a state document written out to two people, BOTH OF THOSE PEOPLE NEED TO SIGN IT! I don't care that you have a joint account with that person, I don't care that someone has been "doing it for you" for supposedly five years. And I don't care that you don't want to give me your id. I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Figure It Out! It is against the law to cash, much less deposit something that is made out to two people, and without a proper state issued id so I can verify who you are.

Why bring up all of this information? Because some fucking dirty low life man, did exactly that and made me cry because I was doing my job, correctly! This individual came through the drive-thru and started screaming at me. Literally screaming, because when I turned the microphone off, I could still hear him.

Needless to say, my saturday morning was shot.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

you know how you do

Who would know how it would feel to be stabbed with a small, but very real knife? Those who claim they have no idea how it feels, that’s who. I know for one, how it feels to put your heart and soul into something even though it may not be what you want to do with your life. But sometimes when you’re trying to get your foot in the door, that’s just what you have to do. I get that. I don’t mind doing that. But when I’m getting shit on by some stupid man with a power trip that’s when I cannot sit back and not doing anything anymore. I was given a shot and did a lot, receiving no credit for it.

Now there is a slow and quiet awkwardness in the air as I am slowly waiting to hear my fate. I have an inkling that there is going to be no news today. But that’s also because he wants me to finish with the crap that I’m doing today. That’s ok though, because I’m on to you. My guard is not down, nor has it ever been. Never trust anyone who uses humor to deflect how they really feel. It’s funny you see, he has no problem talking down or exploding into a temper tantrum when something bad happens, but when the air is calm he still doesn’t know how to act. Go figure, you pompous ass!

I’m working on my time now. No need to worry now. I see everything now.

Friday, January 25, 2008

empty evening with a full belly

My other half has departed to Chillicothe for the weekend. It's weird being home alone, and for some reason, I keep having a lot of vivid dreams. Last night's wonderful dream consisted of me being woken in the middle of the night to a dark figure standing over me and I started screaming to wake up my boy. This of course was all in the dream, I wasn't actually screaming. It's not very comforting to know that I'm here by myself now. I'll just have Rosco sleep with me. He's so cute and cuddly anyway, that is until tomorrow when I go to Dayton for about a day and a half.
So I guess that we will have to wait and see what type of adventures happen tonight... to kick start the evening I had Chinese take-out!

Can't wait for the warm weather to come and for Mariah Carey to actually be sexy.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mindless Bantering in a Cold Cubicle

It's about 3:10 on a snowy afternoon and I am currently counting down the minutes til 4 so I can drive myself to class. The only thing is that I cannot feel my feet or fingers because it is ridiculously cold in here. When I first arrived this morning things weren't so bad. I took my coat off, enjoying myself while reviewing curriculum before it is sent out. I even enjoyed partial snacks like potatoe chips and yogurt. But about 2 hours later, the cold started seeping its way in. One would think that since I am on the 5th floor it wouldn't be so bad... no no. it's totally worse now! I have my scarf and coat on as if I'm going outside. I think that I should scrounge up some gloves.

I'm hungry. Help me.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

one more thing

I really like looking through my British magazine because it's funny to see all of the itty bitty foreign cars that will never be here in America. For example, Volkswagon has a car called a BlueMotion Polo. I want a BlueMotion Polo! It's all cute and little. I want to leave America for a little while...

My core personality is Agreeableness?!

Let me fill you in, I have bought a new magazine called "Psychologies Magazine". The real reason I bought it was because Milla Jovovich (my favorite actress of all time) was on the cover. It is superficial, but who cares. Amongst the pages, I found a Core Personality Test, and being the average-magazine-test-taking-American-woman that I am, I went ahead and took it. There are five different categories that you can fit into: extroversion, neuroticism, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and finally openness. Doctors and nurses fall into agreeableness, poets, artists and lawyers go into openness, police and firefighters were high in conscientiousness, and lastly those working in publishing fell into neuroticism; and those living in London scored high in extroversion.

I my friends fall into agreeableness, my major is Human Nutrition in Industry and my long term goal is to be a dietitian. I would like to live somewhere other than Ohio, either California or Sleepy Hollow, New York. My mom took online classes for Nyack University (??) and when she graduated we traveled to Nyack so she could walk with her class. That day was unbelievably hot, I was still fat (20 pounds heavier) wearing a backless dress, so needless to say I was sweating my ass off in the middle of an open field where everyone was wearing black graduation gowns. Anyway, back to the topic at hand, we visited Sleepy Hollow, just a moments drive away from Nyack, and I fell in LOVE with it! I remember us eating at the "Sleepy Hollow cafe", and then going to the original church and cemetery that was featured in the book by Washington Irving...

So how does all of that fit into agreeableness, with the exception of where I want to live? Here is what it has to say about us agree-ers. We are empathisers, which shows how much we orient ourselves towards the mental states of others. Women tend to score higher on agreeableness than men.

"Empathisers are thoughtful and sensitive, but can be overly self sacrificing, putting the needs of others before their own. You are good at understanding others' emotions, but not always good at prioritising your own. At work, you do well in caring professions such as medicine and counseling. But there is evidence that extreme empathisers pay a cost in career terms, as they are reluctant to put themselves forward, and devote a lot of their efforts to making sure others get what they need. With others, you are caring and sensitive. You have harmonious relationships and rarely fall out with people. You are quick to forgive and slow to anger. You enjoy and prioritise close friendships and relationships, and are a source of support for loved ones. Areas of self development: focusing on your own needs. You tend to put others first, so it can be hard for those around you to know what you really want. Extreme empathisers can also hold themselves back in career terms." copyrighted, psychologies magazine

Well there you have it. Me in a nutshell... go figure.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

same campus, new classes

I was going to wait for the end of the week until I've had a full week of classes, but I'm bored and I just took an online quiz for the 50th time (you think I'm joking), we could take it an unlimited amount of times and I couldn't grasp the fact that there were three questions with multiple answers. I had noticed from the start of the quiz that the boxes were square instead of circles like the other questions, but I think after about the 35th time, I realized what was happening. OSU thinks they can out-trick me they've got another thing coming. So anyways, I got 10 out of 10, yay me! And on quiz number 2 which isn't due until Monday, I got 5 out of 5 and it only took me about 10 tries, which all in all isn't really so bad.

Now that the night is complete, I should be off to bed because I have to be at the bank at 7, but I do get off at noon so I can go to class at 1. The good thing about tomorrow though, is that I'll have enough time to be creepy and follow unknowing students back to their cars so I can take their parking spots. It's the privelage that I get for being a poor college student.

Friday, January 4, 2008

damn you carbonated beverages

My current obsession is San Pellagrino mineral water. I'm trying to cut the sodas and it tastes so good when I mix it with apple juice. Well out of good gesture my mom ended up getting me an entire case of the glass liter bottles a few weeks past when I went to Dayton. It hasn't been regular winter weather, but it's been cold enough to where I can keep most of them in the car and slowly migrate in a few at a time to the refrigerator. Although this past week has been down in the 20's, the coldest it's been really in about a month, I still left them in the backseat; only to my amazement when I went to class last night, I peeked in the box to find that they had ALL busted. Damn you fizz and glass bottles! Now I have a few green broken shards of glass and a monster ice cube, the size of a miniature glacier, in my backseat. But the real kicker is that I touched one of them to see how frozen together they were and I cut my finger. Am I stupid or something? I guess the plus side is that I can freeze my wound on the glacier while driving... maybe that's a little far-fetched.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

word to the wise

Have you ever rolled out of bed and since the bear won't let itself out, you grab whatever is on the floor, wrap a scarf around your head so the neighbors don't see your bed head and layer on the coat. Only to find that since it snowed last night you are squinting from it being so bright. I think that next time I need to get some sunglasses so I won't get blinded by the big bright pile of snow that I can't help but stare at.

But I did end up making myself feel better by eating my leftover garlic alfredo. It was delicious!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My New Year's Resolutions

I plan on finishing my romance novels and baking more. I've got the baking bug back!

Rosco's New Year's Resolutions

check it... as I am completing my routine this morning before my 20 minute commute to work, what do I find but my little bear writing out his list of resolutions. And the list goes like this:

1. I will try to pick up after myself so mommy and daddy don't have to do it.

2. I will try to bark less at useless noises outside, upstairs, or in my common area.

3. I will be more appreciative of the fact that I am kept in the kitchen rather than in my kennel while mommy and daddy are at work, for it is always a good day when I am not in there.

4. I will always be cute! and not bite hands or jump on company.

I love my little Rosco Bear. As you all know, with good effort he will not keep any of them in the near future. Then again I can't blame him either.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This is why Bob Evans sucks

To start the New Year off right, a girlfriend of mine (Becky) and I decided to do brunch at Brio. A few weeks back we went on a Saturday and they have the best Tuscan French Toast. It is these massive slices of French bread filled with marscapone cheese and fruit, accompanied with syrup. It is literally like heaven in my mouth. We have been planning it for weeks! Personally, I would rather have not gotten out of bed today but damn I sure was hungry. So I call Becky and we get our asses moving, along with her husband and my soon to be husband as well. Everyone who is in a relationship knows how hard it can be to get the other one going, but all in all everything was getting along pretty great. All I could think about for motivation was that gooey breakfast accompanied with my breakfast mimosa.

Skip to arriving at Easton, we get all fancy shmansy and valet his Fit, go inside and it's perfect. There is no wait, hardly anyone is in there, so I'm thinking we can order, enjoy our breakfasts/lunch because it's about 12:30 by this time. Only to find out, that because it's Tuesday Brio doesn't serve their brunch. Instead, brunch is only served on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 to 3. My heart sinks, I want to curl up into a ball on the floor and just cry. Becky and I look at eachother completely dissapointed. By now the mission turns into where we can get any breakfast food at all. I felt so bad leaving, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Enter Bob Evans. When we finally find it and arrive, we sneak in the "Carry-Out Only" door and cut to the front of the line. The lobby is packed and there is nowhere to sit because everyone is waiting to be seated. We put in for our table of 4 and they tell us that it's only going to be about a half an hour wait. Not so bad considering we are all starving and anticipating how great food is going to be. Little did we know that this is only the beginning. I don't know about you, but when I'm seated in a room full of people that I don't know with nothing to do I tend to stare a lot. Well, let's just say that I "notice" things.

My "Noticing" list starts with about ten different girls who don't know how to put clothes on. I cannot stand it when people, not necessarily girls, go out in public with pajamas and slippers. Put your damn clothes on already. That's fine if you want to lounge around at home, I'm not judging either if you want to go back home and put them on again. But if you are going to step out in public where there are other people who can see you, get dressed already! It's not hard. Second thing. Those same people who are going out in their PJ's need to find coats too. It is about 32 degrees outside. When you leave your house that too is unacceptable. There are freezing people in the world who wish they had coats. Do yourself a favor and put the damn thing on. You don't look "awesome" because you're a cold badass! Third. When the party stops about an hour ago and you decide to get food, don't put a shirt on over your sparkly dress. Either wear the dress and still look cute or change into something else. Those girls could take some advice from number One on the list. As they make their way out, there are the leather coat club in the corner. When you start to look like your friends and family do, find another jacket. Or maybe even spruce it up with a nice hand bag, you look like a man!

Keep in mind here that these people are gracing me with their presence all at the same time. I'm looking at Becky completely dumbfounded. Fifthly, as the line to the cash register gets longer and longer, in come three boys, 2 wearing only white wife beaters and stupid ass hats. One guy was so cool as to even have "Coors Light!" hand written on his arm but at a slant. What was worse was that the exclamation mark was written under the word "light". The third guy with them was some random ass Asian dude that looked out of place with his green reindeer pants. They were standing there huddled in a circle trying to determine who should pay what and how much to tip. At one point, one of them says"Oh come on dude, it's New Years". Then to top it all off there was the lesbian crew behind them. I wanted to die right about then. I could not stop laughing and to try to make it less noticeable that I was laughing at Coors Light man, I'm trying to put on my chapstick, and not very successfully I might add.

So after my entertainment, we're noticing that the lobby is cleared out. There were people that came in after us that were getting seated before us. In an attempt to figure out what the hold up is, Becky's husband goes and talks to the hostess. Come to find out, they switched pages without transferring our name. At a loss for words, the woman says that we are going to be seated next and that she is sorry about the delay. She also slips in there that it had been happening all day but have been failing to fix the recurring problem. Ok, no problem I'm a little annoyed but whatever, as long as I can eat who cares right? Then I'll be damned if not even five minutes later they seat a party of 3. I'm more the sure that that table has 4 chairs instead of just 3. We got jacked on our food and the damn lady lied to us!

We were all so pissed by that point that we just walked out. Goodbye breakfast, goodbye french toast with marscapone cheese and syrup. Instead we had to settle for BW3's.

In a nut shell, my day has been deflated and I really shouldn't have gotten out of bed. So in an effort make sure that I get some kind of sweet tasty, fluffy treat I'm making french toast for dinner. Ha! See how you like it stupid Bob Evans! and I will see you on Sunday for brunch Brio!