Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Much-ado about Anne Frank

I'm here at the University in between classes and my food lab where I have stumbled upon a headline about Anne Frank. It is about the boy with whom she loved and hadn't seen in the 2 years that she was hidden away from the Nazi's before she was found and later shipped to a concentration camp. I don't know what struck me about it, but i have always had a profound interest in history and people's lives back then. I almost feel as though it were a simpler time, and sometimes find myself to be a little bit envious. But then again, I also find it great that I live in the present time where there have been so many advances in medicinal practices and technological advances. Hell, DNA itself was found in 1896. That's a little over 100 years ago. Further more, the discovery of the double helix was confirmed in 1958, and DNA profiling (paternity/maternity tests) was established in 1984. That's 2 years before I was born! While I may say that it was a simpler time back then, everything that has happened has been somewhat in my generation. I still have family members alive that were living and breathing during that time, and there is still a long way to go; perhaps we still are in a simpler time after all.

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