Friday, January 4, 2008

damn you carbonated beverages

My current obsession is San Pellagrino mineral water. I'm trying to cut the sodas and it tastes so good when I mix it with apple juice. Well out of good gesture my mom ended up getting me an entire case of the glass liter bottles a few weeks past when I went to Dayton. It hasn't been regular winter weather, but it's been cold enough to where I can keep most of them in the car and slowly migrate in a few at a time to the refrigerator. Although this past week has been down in the 20's, the coldest it's been really in about a month, I still left them in the backseat; only to my amazement when I went to class last night, I peeked in the box to find that they had ALL busted. Damn you fizz and glass bottles! Now I have a few green broken shards of glass and a monster ice cube, the size of a miniature glacier, in my backseat. But the real kicker is that I touched one of them to see how frozen together they were and I cut my finger. Am I stupid or something? I guess the plus side is that I can freeze my wound on the glacier while driving... maybe that's a little far-fetched.

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