Friday, January 25, 2008

empty evening with a full belly

My other half has departed to Chillicothe for the weekend. It's weird being home alone, and for some reason, I keep having a lot of vivid dreams. Last night's wonderful dream consisted of me being woken in the middle of the night to a dark figure standing over me and I started screaming to wake up my boy. This of course was all in the dream, I wasn't actually screaming. It's not very comforting to know that I'm here by myself now. I'll just have Rosco sleep with me. He's so cute and cuddly anyway, that is until tomorrow when I go to Dayton for about a day and a half.
So I guess that we will have to wait and see what type of adventures happen tonight... to kick start the evening I had Chinese take-out!

Can't wait for the warm weather to come and for Mariah Carey to actually be sexy.


Jupiter said...

I have to mention this before I forget! I love llamas ,too. We plan on raising either llamas or alpacas :) I keep meaning to mention.

Ok.So, are you sure you're not pregnant? Because from my experience, vivid dreams coincide with that. Don't hit me,please. I was just tossing that out there :D

Why does Mariah Carey always have to wear the least amount of clothes possible? I wish she'd stop that.

Silla_Sophia_Sangria said...


you have no idea the kinds of dreams I have anymore. When I was away in Dayton, Saturday night I dreamth that my sister and I were dinosaurs and we were breaking the windows of two retail stores because they didn't have my sister's size.

And as far as the pregnancy thing goes, I can only hope considering that I have had baby fever for the past two years or so. But I'm on the patch so poo on that for now.

I'm jealous about the llamas!