Tuesday, December 29, 2009

MoaCW (musings of a coworker)

I sent my buddy a text asking if my teeth are small. His response,

"U never smile so I would never know"

... he of course would be lying :-p

Musings of a Co-Worker

I work with a hilarious individual and periodically I will receive the funniest stuff. Granted sometimes I ask for it but on this particular evening here's what I got;

"I went to eat at a restaurant by myself. A little girl came up to my table and told me I look lonely and gave me a hug. Hahaha am I that pathetic looking?"

Saturday, December 12, 2009

it's time

I feel like my blog and writing have been boring, mundane, and an overall crap fest. I feel like I need to find a new way of writing and expressing myself without telling the world about my life. There needs to be a different way, although I'm not sure how or what it should be. I find myself wanting to write about family, work, life, etc. which is all good, but I have a small sneaking suspicion that if I write the way I see it then I can get in a lot of trouble, or hurt some feelings. I need a new spin and by all means I'm going to find it. So just sit back and relax as I find myself... in my spare time.

Hopefully I will still be interesting.

Until then,


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

what a squeeze

i have been able to button and comfortably walk around in my pre-pregnancy 'fat jeans'. i'm hitting the gym today and my winter body makeover is going splendidly.

all it takes is a little time, patience, and persistence.

what an easy Thanksgiving...

kind of really. my family was awesome, the food was great, and for all those last minute 'show-er uppers' you may now leave. Thanksgiving wasn't so bad, minus the stress and a cramped house. It was the first year that I cooked for my family (turkey style) and the event was hosted at my place. I was super excited with how the turkey and food turned out and overall it was relatively quick. My little Stinky Baby, aka Stinky Foster had his first taste of Pickled Beet juice and surprisingly the kid enjoyed it. He is seven months and growing with his two bottom teeth and a slimy grin. He is wonderfulness wrapped all in one. I never would have expected him to be enjoying the beet juice, but hey when your kid likes something, he's gotta have it right? haha!! I'm sure there are going to be a few gasps, and to clear the record, no I am not going to be that kind of mother. He will have his boundaries, I was mainly talking about the Pickled Beet Juice.

now on to the rest of the Holidays...