Monday, October 13, 2008

secrets are out

so my secret you ask? it's going to be in code... but i have a peanut!! if you know what it is, please don't sell me out... haha there's still a lot of info to share but not until a later date.

in other news, i got up at 6:05, on the dot to write an awful paper that i'm totally ashamed of and my computer came unplugged. the battery on my computer is fried, so anytime the power cord comes out it shuts off. i about had a shit fit! luckily for me, Microsoft Office 2007 saved it and i was able to finish in record time. i always forget how unmotivated i am fall quarter. you would be too having to walk long distances outside when it's cold. winter quarter only gets worse.

anyway, if anyone knows of a good anti-blackhead/anti oil treatment please let me know. my skin is going to hell.

please and thank you!