Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I think Karma's going to get me...

this morning upon my journey back to my car, there were about 2 cars waiting for students to go to their cars so they could take their parking spots. normally, i just tell whoever is waiting where my car is because these students still have to get to class on time and there is nothing i hate more than fighting other students for parking. so as i am walking, i am approached by a nameless girl, cuz i kind of didn't ask. she proceeded to ask me if i was leaving, my answer of course being yes, and then she asked if i could wait for her. but then there was this asshole in a truck that decided he didn't want her to have said spot and was blocking her. i was standing right there, and i didn't quite know what to do so i got in her car and she drove over to my car. i felt so bad for her because she told me that she had a midterm in like 5 minutes and this guy was being a dueche! he was such an ass that he was trying to guess where my car was so that he could block either one of us from me leaving and her parking there. eventually he creeped along a little too far and alas there was victory! but i'm still pretty certain that since i was evading him getting the spot that Karma is going to get me... but i guess we'll see.

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