Tuesday, September 29, 2009

you've got to be kidding me...

Academics in adult life is tough. As an adult you are in charge of your motivation, procrastination and ultimately your college future, if you so choose to have one. There are a million different obstacles to climb through such as work life, personal life and school life. You have to get up early, stay late and study on the weekends when really sitting around watching the boob tube would seem more fun. On the particular morning I am writing the vent-ful message comes after about 35 minutes of re-directing myself all around the Ohio State University campus. It has currently surpassed Arizona state (the last I heard anyway) as being the biggest University campus in the United States. Yep, my little old school holds the bare minimum of 50,000 students on any given day. My first class of my Tuesday/Thursday schedule starts promptly at 8:30 am. I left the house around 7:30 to give myself enough time to get here, rigorously find a place to park and trek my ass to class. But on my way here, since I am leaving town at about noon, I thought of a brilliant idea; or what seemed brilliant at the time. I would go to the library conveniently located one building away from my classroom to print out notes. Lots and lots of notes as I will be in the car for 12 hours (one way) and dangling toys in front of my son can only be entertaining for so long. I figured it would give me time to catch up on what I am missing in my other classes and the opportunity to be uber prepared for next week.

I really should have thought it through a little bit better. Some time between me being exhaustingly tired and forgetting that The OSU is construction hungry they not only closed my library, they made it into a computer lab for Business Majors. Uhhh... I am not a business major, I am a nutrition major. Therefore I am not privileged enough to use their stupid ass computers. The same exact computers that are in every computer lab/library on campus. Ok, no big deal. There's always going to have to be Plan B. So I ask the student working there (she was really nice so I couldn't be mad) if there were any other libraries or computer labs nearby. She hands me a map of the campus highlighting the areas in which I can go. I thought, 'Oh great! Wow!! These people really have it together. No big deal, I'll just walk to the next closest one'. In my situation thankfully there were two equally distant destinations from each other.

Off to the Journalism Library I go. I had originally used the JL when I first came to OSU about 4 years ago and had completely forgot about its existence. It was somewhat sentimental, so I chose it first! WRONG!! I get there and it's closed, due to none other than construction. I all but throw my hands to the sky and scream 'SERENITY NOW!!' I figured it would be a bit disruptive and students passing by may deduce me to a nut case. I ended up taking the silent approach to all but mumble under breath 'I can't believe I am missing class for a bunch of crap. I am such a fool', as I am all but envisioning myself calling maintenance and cussing them out for being so inconsiderate.

Thankfully Baker Hall across the street has an open computer lab. Now I can print my notes, and joyfully be on my way. Ta-Da!!

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