Saturday, August 8, 2009

T-minus 7 minutes...

It's a Saturday night, BB is down for the night and Melon is out on the town... if the town is renamed to being down the street. I am nursing my newly purchased bottle of wine and in about 7 minutes I am ready to debut my new do, so to speak. I have it all planned out, summer time is for dark hair and when the winter rolls around I am going back to blonde. I figure nothing is better than black coats and boots in the snow that a nice bright head of hair. Works in my book.

My life has been pretty much the same all things considered. My child is slowly creeping out of his 'difficult' phase and making his way to the 'awesome idle' phase. We are now trying our best to get him on a schedule and he's started taking naps in the afternoons now. It's completely wonderful because it makes for a more pleasant, less fussy child at home and at the sitter.

I'm off to the shower now, be expecting new pictures of the 'do' to pop up at any given moment... WOO!!

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