Tuesday, August 11, 2009

shouldn't you think twice about that?

I have been having an epiphany lately when it comes to meeting new people and what information they volunteer to give up. I don't know about you, but I like to keep certain things about myself private i.e. finances, children, etc.

At the beginning of the year I had started working with a new co-worker and they were discussing with me whether or not they were going to keep the child they were currently pregnant with. HUH?!! Keep in mind, we'll call her Chante' for sake of giving her a name, I had only worked with her maybe one day. So on day two Chante' feels as though it's appropriate to discuss abortions with me. I am not a judgmental person, but there are people out there who would judge her for that. Abortions are not something that people take lightly, there are many opinionated assholes out there that would single her out and could potentially harm her because of it. Therefore, it's not at all appropriate to discuss with co-workers, especially new co-workers.

Case number two occurred yesterday at work. I went to another location to help out and the girl there decided to tell me that she is 'extremely well off' and 'lucky to have that kind of money' because the money she makes from her full time job is used essentially as 'play money'. Um, I don't care, nor did I ask. I find it completely asinine to discuss your finances with not only a total stranger, but a stranger you will most likely never see again. I don't care what type of image it is supposed to portray... other than stupidity.

I have been through entirely too much in my life to admire arrogance, whether it be due to money or lifestyle. I'm sure that it's not the first person nor will it be the last, but I guess I am more confident in what I bring to the table as an individual than what I can bring to the table materialistically.

To wrap up, learn to speak intelligently and keep the major decision making to those close to you; or at least to those who can offer up great advice... hopefully it is someone you know rather well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally & completely ditto this for me ,too:
I have been through entirely too much in my life to admire arrogance, whether it be due to money or lifestyle. I'm sure that it's not the first person nor will it be the last, but I guess I am more confident in what I bring to the table as an individual than what I can bring to the table materialistically.

I often get the impression I'm supposed to be much more impressed by other people than I actually am LOL

yeah... and abortions..hmm...
I was just interviewed by an author who is writing a book about abortions (I know.Cheery topic,eh?) and I kept thinking,"I don't even know this person and I'm telling her details of my abortion.Weird". Then again,I've written about it myself publicly....posted to that website "I'm Not Sorry"...yadayada...I DO talk a lot about abortion...but face-to-face makes it so much more personal...and ..awkward? Uncomfortable? I dunno. It's definitely not proper abortion etiquette.