Friday, June 5, 2009

what's with the delay?

So I feel obligated to state the reason as to why it has taken me a few weeks to give a new post/update. I am running into the dilemma that there is so much to write about but not enough subject matter to make a relevant post. It is very strange. I will be doing whatever and I'll think 'huh, that's funny or cute and I could write about that on my blog', then I'll get one sentence in and it's done. But there's no need to have a one or two sentence blog... ya feel me?

Here is a collection of the past two weeks;

Baby started smiling, but I can't get him to smile at me. Everyone keeps telling me that he's smiling and I miss it. I think he may be bored with me considering that we fall asleep and wake up together day in and day out.

Husband made me watch the movie Twilight, it was ok. I was under the impression that it was going to be far more corny than what it was. I think it's funny that I have a girlfriend who told me last summer she had no interest in reading the books or watching the movies because she is not interested in vampires... much less 'vegetarian vampires'. well I must report now that she has not only watched the movie but read the first book within one day... sounds like a fan of vege vamps to me!!

My sister called me to tell me she microwaved a fly. enough said. (makes me laugh everytime i think about it)

I was completely touched when I found out that when I was reading a bed time story to BB that husband took a baby monitor out to the garage with him so he could work on his motorcycle and hear me read.

School is done with the exception of two finals next Tues and Wed.

And I have the green light to drink alcohol and engage in all sorts of other irresponsible behaviors... with my husband of course. :)

1 comment:

Monster Bash Blog said...

Oh my god Twilight...It's like a pandemic. I was the same way when it came out as your friend...I'd never even heard of it...then I saw the movie and bought all of the books and read them. OBSESSED.

That's so sweet that he took the baby monitor out with him. aww. Not spoOoOoOky, but I still enjoy it!