Saturday, May 23, 2009

on other news...

I feel like shit because because BB gave me his cold and yesterday I took an accounting exam. Why in anyone's right mind would they think it's a good idea to make an exam worth 300 points?! I get to have three of those 'test traps' and only hope that I did somewhat OK.

It's going on 6 am and I've been up since 4. It's strange how when you know you can get a full night's rest that's when the middle of the night routine comes into play. Little man looked so freakin' adorable this morning wide awake. He's slowly starting to wake up and stay awake, Mr. Shifty Eyes.

One more thing before I venture off to other parts of the internet. Last night before I crashed out at midnight, there was an article about twins being born with two separate fathers. It's so insane because at the end of last year there was a woman who had a set of twins because she had two... count em', not one but two uterus's! She had no idea until she had them by C-section. I don't know if it's all the fertility drugs or there just happen to be some creepy people out there. But all I have to say is that I'm glad I have one baby with one baby daddy and one uterus. Puts my mind at ease a little bit. I would say that it helps me sleep better at night, then again I've been up since 4 am. I'm pretty sure I'm going to crash in the next few hours.

On a small mental note, BB is in bed with husband and he was snuggled up against his back. It was the most wonderful thing, there's nothing in the world like it. I know I sound cliche, but you never know how much you can love another human being until you help make it. I'm so lucky... lucky to have my number Seven.

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