Sunday, December 30, 2007

Baker's Dozen

I have officially spent all day in the kitchen getting food ready for my New Year's Eve party with Becky. While it is always exciting to make tasty treats from my Paula Deen cookbook, I am most excited about the fact that I made homemade marshmallows --- without a candy thermometer. I am also amazed at the fact that I was able to find gold gum paste sparkles to dust them with. I ended up getting small mason jars and decorating the lids, then I'm going to put the sparkly treats in them and hand them out as party favors!

In other news, Shane let me go to Best Buy with him without brushing my hair. I kinda forgot since I've been in the kitchen all day, and when I passed by a window and saw my reflection it was quite funny. And it seems like now every time that I let Rosco out, we run back to the door together. He's so cute!

I think it's time for bed now...

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