Wednesday, July 7, 2010

In desperate need of a cleaner

Here go the long pauses again. I forget how 'normal' my life used to be before it wasn't so normal anymore. Now 'normal' consists of walks about a half block up the neighborhood, always keeping a bottle or a sippy handy as well as gingersnap cookies, I have to pre-plan everything almost down the minute, and I am not a late arriver. I used to the the early arriver, which has taken a swift nosedive to left. I forget what it's like not to have laundry to do everyday, or to have to do dishes... again!!!

I swear I need a maid service. It's interesting that what used to seem cluttered to me, now all of a sudden looks tidy. I am drowning in housework and domesticated life. Please somebody come dig me out before it's too late...

Goodbye world, I'll see you on the other side.

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