A small update from the weekend movie night, 3,000 Miles to Graceland turned out to be a really cute movie. I'm not normally a Kurt Russell fan, with the exception of Big Trouble Little China, and I was quite impressed. I was glad however that Courtney Cox was in the movie because I pretty much love her. Shane and I have a major Friends obsession. We have all ten seasons and ever since we moved into our new apartment last October, we had to eliminate some amenities because the bills are a little more expensive this time around, so as a result we had to kick the cable. But all is good because we have a never ending Friends marathon. Sadly though, about a month ago we finished all ten seasons... that was about 3 months. (Oops!)
Never-the-less, Will and Grace is making a come back. We have seasons 1-3 and have already watched all of those as well... (sigh) Now it's just a matter of investing in the other 7 (i think). Will and Grace was on for 10 seasons right?
Last night, two of Shane's friends were sharing a birthday party extravaganza and I was given command that I had to attend. It was at one of their girlfriend's house whom I had only met maybe one time before. She seems nice enough, but the best part of my entire evening was the fact that she has a long haired weiner too! She was soo unbelievably cute! She was a chocolate colored one so her nose was brown instead of black like Rosco's. Her hair wasn't as long as Rosco's but she had also just had puppies a few months before so she was a little soft around the edges and her nips were still kind of big. I don't know if because she was a girl that she was tinier than my bear but her face was itty bitty, and everytime she looked at me my heart melted. Shane has turned me into a weiner dog freak, a FREAK I tell you! I want another one soo bad. Too bad we didn't know that she had puppies before because they were all dapple, which is the coloring that we want now. We were about 3 months too late, Boo!
If anyone knows where to get a dapple girl for no more than $400, please let me know. Rosco needs a sister, he said so himself last night.
I haven't had cable in 6 years or something like that and Tv on DVD definitely helps keep me sane. I usually get them out from the library though before I decide it's worth owning.I'm a shameless Thrift Whore.
*makes note to self to check and see if Will & Grace is at the library *
If they have all the seasons of The L Word and Queer as Folk (both US and British), then surely they must have Will & Grace!
My favorite episode of Will and Grace is the one that has Cher in it. "If I could turn back time!"
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