Thursday, February 21, 2008

apparently I am fertile and babies sign checks with pacifiers

As much of a weird personality that I have, there are just some things that I can't make up. For example, another wonderful day at the bank leads to me getting talked down to like I'm an idiot. It must be the fact that I am young or it might possibly have to do with the fact that in person I look like a 15 year old little girl. Whatever the reason, just because you have a check written to your child doesn't mean that you can deposit that into your checking account. The check is not made out to you. If it's really a problem then open a custodial account for your child, especially if you are foreseeing checks being written to the order of your child in the future. In any case, the woman proceeds to ask me how infants are supposed to sign checks over to their parents. Her most descriptive form of back talking was by asking if babies are supposed to drool on the checks or use their pacifiers to sign checks over to their parents. Me of course not wanting to deal with it, mediated the situation by politely telling her that I did not know how to answer her question and quickly proceeded to helping the next customer in line. This however was unacceptable to her and asked for my manager, which I gladly obliged and retrieved. But by golly when we got to the drive thru window the dumb bitch had driven away... go figure. I was looking forward to my manager making her look like a dumb-ass. I think that my reasoning for that was due to my partial vendetta for the guy who made me cry; whom by the way I have yet to see again. I think he got the hint not to come back.

Then last night I was told by one of my partners in my food lab that since I have wide hips that means I'm fertile. hahaha! I think my hips have to do with the fact that i'm hispanic rather than being based solely on the fact that I'm fertile. But then again, who knows anymore?


Jupiter said...

Well, why would anyone write a check to a baby,anyway? I'm confused. LOL

I look like I'm 15,too. A kid on my son's baseball team thought I was his sister and tried to hit on me last year,

I have a post from a while back about the whole babies and hips thing. Supposedly,us hippy chicks are smarter than all those skinny chicks too but whatever.For me,the whole theory works...I have wide hips and conceived 3 out of 5 kids while using birth control. Yikes.

My husband lived in Central America for quite a few years. He has always said that a blonde haired,blue eyes woman like me with my curves would fetch a nice price on the street there. I think this was a compliment but I'm not sure...:P

kim said...

silla! i just saw your comment on my blog TODAY..possibly months later!! i'm sorry!

seriously, your dog is amazing...all i want is to have a long haired little daschund and name him winston.

and how good is mario party? i mean really? i have a neverending feud with computer-controlled waluigi though...he has a vendetta out for me!

Silla_Sophia_Sangria said...


From my understanding, it's when grandma's and grandpa's want to send money to their grandchildren so instead of sending cash or a new toy they send the money in the form of a check, but written out to the child. My guess is that the parents don't understand what "money for your child , not you" means, and in turn would like to deposit that check into their account to use to their liking. I'm sure that some people would rationalize buying anything for the benefit of their child. Like groceries... I understand that kids gotta eat but I would never spend "birthday money" for my child on groceries and then tell that baby that for your birthday I got you groceries! Is this making any sense, cuz I feel like I'm going round in circles cuz that dumb bitch still makes me mad.

Anyway, moving to Central America sounds like it would be fun.


damn you waluigi! He's just jealous of the more famous Mario and Luigi.