to update on a few things,
i ended up getting a 37 on my second exam. although, in all actuality, i ended up getting a 35, but because dr. sanford knew she eff'ed up she added an extra point to all the exams. and even better for me, since i attended class on friday with about 29 others out of a class of 130, dr vaghy decided to take attendance and i got an additional extra point for that too. so all in all, i managed to get 2 extra points, making my grade higher than the first exam... it's definitely something how all of that works out.
the most adorable, yet disgusting thing to watch my dog do?! that would be the "butt train" on the carpet. it's so funny to watch a wiener dog do that. again... weird sense of humor, very weird!
and uh, for shameless self indulgence, my mom makes what are called "sweater bags". they are to die for and i have about 4 that i swap out on a daily basis. check em out and buy some! the link for her etsy site is in my toolbar to the right! -------------------------------->
wish me luck on my quiz tomorrow.
I had a bunch of other stuff I was going to say and then I got to "Sweater Bags" and totally lost my train of thought. I make sweater bags too! I'm going to have to add her to my faves on Etsy :)
oh,oh! Good luck on your quiz!
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