Movie night tonight at my apartment consisting of only me and Rosco is sometimes fun. In all actuality it is probably better than being out in the cold cold weather that has partaken most, if not all of Ohio. A few weeks back... who am I kidding, it was about a month back, Shane and I decided to go through all of the movies in his collection and pick out the ones that either I, he or we have not seen. Over the years I've been able to sneak a few of my favorites (When Harry Met Sally, Garden State, Too Wong Foo... just to name some). All of which he has pretty much seen already. So really it's just me watching all of the movies that I haven't seen yet.
This evening, the selection that I chose to go with was called Too Young to Die?, this movie stars Juliette Lewis, Brad Pitt and a whole bunch of nobodies. It's about a girl names Amanda Sue something who gets abandoned by everyone, hitchhikes to some little dirt town where she meets Brad Pitt's character. She has no money so he pimps her out as a dancer in some shit club. The only retarded thing is that she is supposed to be 14 years old. A little unbelievable if you ask me. Another key point about it is that it was probably filmed in about 1992 and could have easily passed as a Lifetime daytime type of movie. The only question left to ponder is why the hell he had that dumb ass movie in his possession?! (haha!)
Movie number 2... 3,000 Miles to Graceland. Hopefully it is nothing like the last one.
How sad is it that I have not only seen Too Young To Die but I also own it? I mean, it's not like I'm a proud owner of the movie but own it,I do!
Hahaha. I later asked Shane as to wy he has it, he said it's because it was only $5, and he has a huge man crush on Brad Pitt. So I wouldn't feel too bad about it!
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