Friday, July 24, 2009

Sleepy baby

Today was the first day I had to go and get Little Man from the sitter. We pretty much have a solid intuition that he is borderline colic since he is so incredibly fussy for no reason. It's not all the time, but it's enough for us to realize that 'hey this kid sure is pissed of a lot of the time'. From what I gather at noon yesterday he switched from being his adorable, wonderfully cute self to a terror, and I mean that in every sense of the word. I have been there... multiple times. Believe me when I say that Seven sure has a set of lungs on him. He has screamed so loud it makes your ears ring. So that's what he did for the sitter yesterday, that being a first for her.

As soon as I got there and picked him up he stopped. Poor little guy just wanted his momma. I haven't seen him but two and half hours since yesterday evening and he misses me... how cute.

Currently he is in his room. The sitter said that he hasn't slept since I dropped him off at 8. Mind you he woke up at 6:30. It's almost 2 o'clock now. I hear him up there now so I must cut it short, but he slept for maybe a half an hour and woke up because he kicked all his covers off. I stuck him in what Melon and I call a pocket. It's the equivalent to a zip up blanket with the arms cut out. It allows him to kick and squirm without him getting uncovered. After he got stuck in that I warmed up some formula and when I went back up to feed him he was out. He's so tired. I feel bad for him because the poor kid never wants to sleep for fear he may miss out on things. Needless to say, when he does go to sleep he fights it. Currently he is passed out. He will wake up for a few seconds and then nod back off.

The only thing to do now is to count the minutes before he wakes up again, only to peek in his room and see that his little eyes are shut. That's the clear indicator that he is still sleepy. I love him to death.


Anonymous said...

One of my kids was a non-sleeper. A friend tried to convince me that she had read studies that babies who didn't sleep very much were smarter because they're awake longer & can absorb more information. It was little consolation to sleep-deprived me but I pass this tidbit along to you anyway :) LOL

Silla_Sophia_Sangria said...

that's so wonderful, thank you!! haha!! i don't know about it making my son smarter, but i'll take it. my mother has been telling me that my older sister was pretty much the same way and had started crawling and walking sooner than me. but then again, i have always been laid back and go with the flow kind of gal. i always see it that there's no rush unless you're running late. otherwise speed like hell!

it's good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

My first born walked at 8 months and talked soon after. He didn't sleep all night until he was like frickin' TWO. Jeezus...
Maybe there is something to the theory.