i'm reading the Jungle by Upton Sinclair because I'm always being told about the grosse ways in which they slaughter the animals and the awful unsanitary ways in which the meat and meat by-products are packaged and processed. I know it sounds nasty that that would be the reason that i am reading said book, but i think that i went in expecting too much. come to find out that the damn thing is more about politics and organizing unions (which is not all bad), i'm just not in the mood to read about it. i'm totally bored with the book and with about a chapter left, it feels like torture to try and read the rest of it...
needless to say, i don't recommend reading it.
oh,gosh..I read that ages ago when went through...well, whatever stage that was in my life. It was definitely a monumental book and all but honestly I think the after effects were far more interesting than the book itself ;)
i say that i have to agree. the after effects is what got me intersted in reading the damn thing. so i think that's why i was so disappointed. i'm curious to read the book that he wrote called 'there will be blood', they made a movie about it with Daniel Day Lewis. it's the one about all the oil. only i don't think i will... it's probably more about politics than it is about oil. only, those two do kind of fall hand in hand.
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