Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Much-ado about Anne Frank
I'm here at the University in between classes and my food lab where I have stumbled upon a headline about Anne Frank. It is about the boy with whom she loved and hadn't seen in the 2 years that she was hidden away from the Nazi's before she was found and later shipped to a concentration camp. I don't know what struck me about it, but i have always had a profound interest in history and people's lives back then. I almost feel as though it were a simpler time, and sometimes find myself to be a little bit envious. But then again, I also find it great that I live in the present time where there have been so many advances in medicinal practices and technological advances. Hell, DNA itself was found in 1896. That's a little over 100 years ago. Further more, the discovery of the double helix was confirmed in 1958, and DNA profiling (paternity/maternity tests) was established in 1984. That's 2 years before I was born! While I may say that it was a simpler time back then, everything that has happened has been somewhat in my generation. I still have family members alive that were living and breathing during that time, and there is still a long way to go; perhaps we still are in a simpler time after all.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
one more sleepy hour on the dot
Another wintery mixed day brings a cold office and tired eyes. There is no quiz for class tonight, only dirty laundry and cookie batter in the fridge. I have come to the conclusion that I don't enjoy the baked cookie form of a chocolate chip cookie than I do in the batter form. I have always thought that in the back of my mind, but only until last night has it ever come out.
Yage sounds wonderful in my ears and Arkansas is calling my name for Spring Break. A real hot spot, I know! The one good thing about it though, is I get to see the house of the woman who has all the babies. It sounds like a Friends title; "the one with the house and the woman with all the babies".
For those who did not see the TLC documentary, there is a woman who we will call Willadean. Willadean has been married to Bruce for I would say about 10 years, (keep in mind I saw the documentary about 5 years ago) and they are some sort of German Baptist or something like that. The main idea to take away from the point I am making, Willadean and Bruce do not believe in birth control because it goes against their religion. She also can't cut her hair and the women all wear dresses.
Anyway, the last that was reported in the documentary, she was getting ready to pop out her 15th child! She had already had 2 sets of twins and her oldest I think was about 16 or 17. The only way they could afford to feed all of these children was through Bruce and his car dealership that he owned. The cameras followed them around for about 2 weeks or so up until Willadean had the baby. She home-schooled all of her children, showed them how to make all of their clothes and all of the younger children wore the "hand me downs".
The one distinct thing that I do remember, because it made me want to pull my hair out, she said "I will have as many children as God wants me to". Ok, first of all, it's called biology you freak! I know things can happen, and even if one is using an effective means of protection (i.e. birth control, condoms, etc.) one can still conceive. But if you are on your 15+ child, figure it out! You don't own a farm, there are effective medications now so you don't have to worry about the plague wiping out your family name. Either get it together or stop having sex.
I wonder if when I visit Arkansas if I'm going to see any of them running around, and you better believe I'm taking pictures. So til next time, please don't have 15 babies.. I'm talking to you Willadean.
Yage sounds wonderful in my ears and Arkansas is calling my name for Spring Break. A real hot spot, I know! The one good thing about it though, is I get to see the house of the woman who has all the babies. It sounds like a Friends title; "the one with the house and the woman with all the babies".
For those who did not see the TLC documentary, there is a woman who we will call Willadean. Willadean has been married to Bruce for I would say about 10 years, (keep in mind I saw the documentary about 5 years ago) and they are some sort of German Baptist or something like that. The main idea to take away from the point I am making, Willadean and Bruce do not believe in birth control because it goes against their religion. She also can't cut her hair and the women all wear dresses.
Anyway, the last that was reported in the documentary, she was getting ready to pop out her 15th child! She had already had 2 sets of twins and her oldest I think was about 16 or 17. The only way they could afford to feed all of these children was through Bruce and his car dealership that he owned. The cameras followed them around for about 2 weeks or so up until Willadean had the baby. She home-schooled all of her children, showed them how to make all of their clothes and all of the younger children wore the "hand me downs".
The one distinct thing that I do remember, because it made me want to pull my hair out, she said "I will have as many children as God wants me to". Ok, first of all, it's called biology you freak! I know things can happen, and even if one is using an effective means of protection (i.e. birth control, condoms, etc.) one can still conceive. But if you are on your 15+ child, figure it out! You don't own a farm, there are effective medications now so you don't have to worry about the plague wiping out your family name. Either get it together or stop having sex.
I wonder if when I visit Arkansas if I'm going to see any of them running around, and you better believe I'm taking pictures. So til next time, please don't have 15 babies.. I'm talking to you Willadean.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
apparently I am fertile and babies sign checks with pacifiers
As much of a weird personality that I have, there are just some things that I can't make up. For example, another wonderful day at the bank leads to me getting talked down to like I'm an idiot. It must be the fact that I am young or it might possibly have to do with the fact that in person I look like a 15 year old little girl. Whatever the reason, just because you have a check written to your child doesn't mean that you can deposit that into your checking account. The check is not made out to you. If it's really a problem then open a custodial account for your child, especially if you are foreseeing checks being written to the order of your child in the future. In any case, the woman proceeds to ask me how infants are supposed to sign checks over to their parents. Her most descriptive form of back talking was by asking if babies are supposed to drool on the checks or use their pacifiers to sign checks over to their parents. Me of course not wanting to deal with it, mediated the situation by politely telling her that I did not know how to answer her question and quickly proceeded to helping the next customer in line. This however was unacceptable to her and asked for my manager, which I gladly obliged and retrieved. But by golly when we got to the drive thru window the dumb bitch had driven away... go figure. I was looking forward to my manager making her look like a dumb-ass. I think that my reasoning for that was due to my partial vendetta for the guy who made me cry; whom by the way I have yet to see again. I think he got the hint not to come back.
Then last night I was told by one of my partners in my food lab that since I have wide hips that means I'm fertile. hahaha! I think my hips have to do with the fact that i'm hispanic rather than being based solely on the fact that I'm fertile. But then again, who knows anymore?
Then last night I was told by one of my partners in my food lab that since I have wide hips that means I'm fertile. hahaha! I think my hips have to do with the fact that i'm hispanic rather than being based solely on the fact that I'm fertile. But then again, who knows anymore?
Monday, February 18, 2008
what, are you gonna send my fries to Africa?
A small update from the weekend movie night, 3,000 Miles to Graceland turned out to be a really cute movie. I'm not normally a Kurt Russell fan, with the exception of Big Trouble Little China, and I was quite impressed. I was glad however that Courtney Cox was in the movie because I pretty much love her. Shane and I have a major Friends obsession. We have all ten seasons and ever since we moved into our new apartment last October, we had to eliminate some amenities because the bills are a little more expensive this time around, so as a result we had to kick the cable. But all is good because we have a never ending Friends marathon. Sadly though, about a month ago we finished all ten seasons... that was about 3 months. (Oops!)
Never-the-less, Will and Grace is making a come back. We have seasons 1-3 and have already watched all of those as well... (sigh) Now it's just a matter of investing in the other 7 (i think). Will and Grace was on for 10 seasons right?
Last night, two of Shane's friends were sharing a birthday party extravaganza and I was given command that I had to attend. It was at one of their girlfriend's house whom I had only met maybe one time before. She seems nice enough, but the best part of my entire evening was the fact that she has a long haired weiner too! She was soo unbelievably cute! She was a chocolate colored one so her nose was brown instead of black like Rosco's. Her hair wasn't as long as Rosco's but she had also just had puppies a few months before so she was a little soft around the edges and her nips were still kind of big. I don't know if because she was a girl that she was tinier than my bear but her face was itty bitty, and everytime she looked at me my heart melted. Shane has turned me into a weiner dog freak, a FREAK I tell you! I want another one soo bad. Too bad we didn't know that she had puppies before because they were all dapple, which is the coloring that we want now. We were about 3 months too late, Boo!
If anyone knows where to get a dapple girl for no more than $400, please let me know. Rosco needs a sister, he said so himself last night.
Never-the-less, Will and Grace is making a come back. We have seasons 1-3 and have already watched all of those as well... (sigh) Now it's just a matter of investing in the other 7 (i think). Will and Grace was on for 10 seasons right?
Last night, two of Shane's friends were sharing a birthday party extravaganza and I was given command that I had to attend. It was at one of their girlfriend's house whom I had only met maybe one time before. She seems nice enough, but the best part of my entire evening was the fact that she has a long haired weiner too! She was soo unbelievably cute! She was a chocolate colored one so her nose was brown instead of black like Rosco's. Her hair wasn't as long as Rosco's but she had also just had puppies a few months before so she was a little soft around the edges and her nips were still kind of big. I don't know if because she was a girl that she was tinier than my bear but her face was itty bitty, and everytime she looked at me my heart melted. Shane has turned me into a weiner dog freak, a FREAK I tell you! I want another one soo bad. Too bad we didn't know that she had puppies before because they were all dapple, which is the coloring that we want now. We were about 3 months too late, Boo!
If anyone knows where to get a dapple girl for no more than $400, please let me know. Rosco needs a sister, he said so himself last night.
Gummy Bear and Rosco Bear
Saturday, February 16, 2008
icicles hung down like prison bars
Movie night tonight at my apartment consisting of only me and Rosco is sometimes fun. In all actuality it is probably better than being out in the cold cold weather that has partaken most, if not all of Ohio. A few weeks back... who am I kidding, it was about a month back, Shane and I decided to go through all of the movies in his collection and pick out the ones that either I, he or we have not seen. Over the years I've been able to sneak a few of my favorites (When Harry Met Sally, Garden State, Too Wong Foo... just to name some). All of which he has pretty much seen already. So really it's just me watching all of the movies that I haven't seen yet.
This evening, the selection that I chose to go with was called Too Young to Die?, this movie stars Juliette Lewis, Brad Pitt and a whole bunch of nobodies. It's about a girl names Amanda Sue something who gets abandoned by everyone, hitchhikes to some little dirt town where she meets Brad Pitt's character. She has no money so he pimps her out as a dancer in some shit club. The only retarded thing is that she is supposed to be 14 years old. A little unbelievable if you ask me. Another key point about it is that it was probably filmed in about 1992 and could have easily passed as a Lifetime daytime type of movie. The only question left to ponder is why the hell he had that dumb ass movie in his possession?! (haha!)
Movie number 2... 3,000 Miles to Graceland. Hopefully it is nothing like the last one.
This evening, the selection that I chose to go with was called Too Young to Die?, this movie stars Juliette Lewis, Brad Pitt and a whole bunch of nobodies. It's about a girl names Amanda Sue something who gets abandoned by everyone, hitchhikes to some little dirt town where she meets Brad Pitt's character. She has no money so he pimps her out as a dancer in some shit club. The only retarded thing is that she is supposed to be 14 years old. A little unbelievable if you ask me. Another key point about it is that it was probably filmed in about 1992 and could have easily passed as a Lifetime daytime type of movie. The only question left to ponder is why the hell he had that dumb ass movie in his possession?! (haha!)
Movie number 2... 3,000 Miles to Graceland. Hopefully it is nothing like the last one.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Back To 108!
I think that yesterday was the perfect day to order my wedding cake, and that's just what I did! Now that things are starting to come together I'm really getting excited. The few things left are to order the food, taste the food at Pacchia's for the rehearsal dinner, and pick out flowers. Other than that, everything is done and I don't know if you recall from past entries, preferably the day after christmas, when I tried on my dress right after I ate and I wanted to burst. I had the biggest gut known to man... So now that it's about a month or two later and I stopped drinking soda, I am back to my svelte 108 pounds. I'm pumped! I tried on my dress again yesterday and it was perfect, especially with the veil that we just got in. yay!
As for valentine's day, Shane and I didn't have the money to go all out so we made each other cards. It was perfect. He even made a "pop-up" heart to go in the middle when I opened it. hahaha. He's so cute! I'm just waiting for Rosco's gift now. Although, I have a hunch that he's not getting me anything other than a deflated toy he has already had for about two months. (sigh...)
As for valentine's day, Shane and I didn't have the money to go all out so we made each other cards. It was perfect. He even made a "pop-up" heart to go in the middle when I opened it. hahaha. He's so cute! I'm just waiting for Rosco's gift now. Although, I have a hunch that he's not getting me anything other than a deflated toy he has already had for about two months. (sigh...)
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Chonny's Cinematic Moment
Through the Eyes of Me!
Since I am not prone to telling "cinematic moments" the way in which my chicka Chonny here does, I am going to have to improvise since she is a little under the weather. I will call this, "cinematic moment of a lazy day". So here goes,
The day kick started off with me wanting to get up early to study for my quiz that I was supposed to have this evening. I would not be lying if I said that when my alarm went off at a frosty 5:45 am, I decided to poke my arm out of the pile of covers Shane hates that I keep on the bed, and switch it off for another 30 minutes. The only bad thing being that I did that about 5 times til it was too late. So I just rolled out of bed and piled on some clothes so I could face the day.
For lunch, my feat of switching from white to whole wheat bread is becoming something of a habit now. It's not so bad. It was also the only thing I had, I didn't have a choice but to eat it.
After the internship was over, I trucked/trecked (will someone please tell me how it's supposed to be spelled/used?) on over to my car so I could go to class. Have you ever seen a movie where someone steps off of a curb and into a HUGE puddle because it looks like a pile of snow. That was me today. It got me, and both my feet. I was sad... Then when I arrived at class, no one was there because she canceled the quiz and moved it to Thursday.
All in all, I think that I'm ready for bed and it's about 7 pm.
On the upswing, here are pictures of me drunk.

Just kidding, I was just having breakfast; and a good time at that!
Since I am not prone to telling "cinematic moments" the way in which my chicka Chonny here does, I am going to have to improvise since she is a little under the weather. I will call this, "cinematic moment of a lazy day". So here goes,
The day kick started off with me wanting to get up early to study for my quiz that I was supposed to have this evening. I would not be lying if I said that when my alarm went off at a frosty 5:45 am, I decided to poke my arm out of the pile of covers Shane hates that I keep on the bed, and switch it off for another 30 minutes. The only bad thing being that I did that about 5 times til it was too late. So I just rolled out of bed and piled on some clothes so I could face the day.
For lunch, my feat of switching from white to whole wheat bread is becoming something of a habit now. It's not so bad. It was also the only thing I had, I didn't have a choice but to eat it.
After the internship was over, I trucked/trecked (will someone please tell me how it's supposed to be spelled/used?) on over to my car so I could go to class. Have you ever seen a movie where someone steps off of a curb and into a HUGE puddle because it looks like a pile of snow. That was me today. It got me, and both my feet. I was sad... Then when I arrived at class, no one was there because she canceled the quiz and moved it to Thursday.
All in all, I think that I'm ready for bed and it's about 7 pm.
On the upswing, here are pictures of me drunk.

Just kidding, I was just having breakfast; and a good time at that!
Monday, February 11, 2008
just a few things, continued
to update on a few things,
i ended up getting a 37 on my second exam. although, in all actuality, i ended up getting a 35, but because dr. sanford knew she eff'ed up she added an extra point to all the exams. and even better for me, since i attended class on friday with about 29 others out of a class of 130, dr vaghy decided to take attendance and i got an additional extra point for that too. so all in all, i managed to get 2 extra points, making my grade higher than the first exam... it's definitely something how all of that works out.
the most adorable, yet disgusting thing to watch my dog do?! that would be the "butt train" on the carpet. it's so funny to watch a wiener dog do that. again... weird sense of humor, very weird!
and uh, for shameless self indulgence, my mom makes what are called "sweater bags". they are to die for and i have about 4 that i swap out on a daily basis. check em out and buy some! the link for her etsy site is in my toolbar to the right! -------------------------------->
wish me luck on my quiz tomorrow.
i ended up getting a 37 on my second exam. although, in all actuality, i ended up getting a 35, but because dr. sanford knew she eff'ed up she added an extra point to all the exams. and even better for me, since i attended class on friday with about 29 others out of a class of 130, dr vaghy decided to take attendance and i got an additional extra point for that too. so all in all, i managed to get 2 extra points, making my grade higher than the first exam... it's definitely something how all of that works out.
the most adorable, yet disgusting thing to watch my dog do?! that would be the "butt train" on the carpet. it's so funny to watch a wiener dog do that. again... weird sense of humor, very weird!
and uh, for shameless self indulgence, my mom makes what are called "sweater bags". they are to die for and i have about 4 that i swap out on a daily basis. check em out and buy some! the link for her etsy site is in my toolbar to the right! -------------------------------->
wish me luck on my quiz tomorrow.
just a few things
it's been a tad bit longer than i would have expected before i made another post, but some things for the past few weeks have either been real wierd, a bit odd, or even stupid to say the least. i'm sure most can relate, so i think that i'll start it off from the top.
last week was molecular biochem exam number 2. the first one i got a 36 out of 50. not so bad in comparison to last quarter but i really worked my ass off and maybe i was just doing the whole study thing wrong. i kind of feel a bit jaded because the instructor Dr. Vaghy gives study guides and takes a majority (about 85%) of the exam questions from these "sample exams", so needless to say i should have done WAY better. that was about a week and a half ago to the day. then they decide that the next exam is going to be on a wednesday, last wednesday to be exact. it was literally 1 week later, give or take 2 days. this time Dr. Sanford (whom i have a strong disgust for now) decides to make the exam 30 pages long! there were 5 pages of short answer, 2 pages of matching/labeling which really shouldn't have been on there, and about 4 pages of multiple choice. i wanted to die. everyone who came out of the lecture hall after me was either pissed off (like i was) or completely baffled at what had just happened. in my opinion, she hates all college students...
on the employment front, since transferring from the bexley office to the clintoville office, i have seen my name written on money twice. i have only been there since the third week in december, further more, i doubt the name "Sophia" is really all that common; considering the fact that in my entire time being here in ohio (about 15 years) i have only met a handful of people with my name. i apparently have a "money stalker".
over the weekend i rented the movie Paris Je'Taime. it's wonderful! it has about 13... or maybe 27... i don't know. it has a collaboration of all these short films involving love and the city of Paris. my most favorite one is the opening scene. there is a guy driving around trying to find a parking spot. he's getting really pissed off and at the last minute he finds one, then about 3 or 4 people pull up next him trying to see if he is leaving, so they can get his spot. the funniest thing is when he says "shove off, buttface" i have said it once and i'll say it again, i have a very wierd sense of humor and that line pretty much made my day. and for no reason at all.
friday my mother drove up from dayton and brought me an article on alpacas and llamas. ohio is trying to get them sanctioned as livestock rather than exotic animals so the farms who have/own them can get major benefits from the state. from what i read, ohio has the biggest population of llama/alpaca owners throughout the entire U.S... you can only imagine how happy that made me!
lastly, not last weekend, but the weekend before me and becky were going to attend her first ever seen drag show. the only bad part is that it was in a hole in the wall bar in clintonville, i don't know what was worse, us being the youngest ones there or the fact that it was mardi gras themed with a bunch of old geezers singing karaoke. needless to say, we didn't stay and she has yet to encounter her first drag show. we looked super cute though!
last week was molecular biochem exam number 2. the first one i got a 36 out of 50. not so bad in comparison to last quarter but i really worked my ass off and maybe i was just doing the whole study thing wrong. i kind of feel a bit jaded because the instructor Dr. Vaghy gives study guides and takes a majority (about 85%) of the exam questions from these "sample exams", so needless to say i should have done WAY better. that was about a week and a half ago to the day. then they decide that the next exam is going to be on a wednesday, last wednesday to be exact. it was literally 1 week later, give or take 2 days. this time Dr. Sanford (whom i have a strong disgust for now) decides to make the exam 30 pages long! there were 5 pages of short answer, 2 pages of matching/labeling which really shouldn't have been on there, and about 4 pages of multiple choice. i wanted to die. everyone who came out of the lecture hall after me was either pissed off (like i was) or completely baffled at what had just happened. in my opinion, she hates all college students...
on the employment front, since transferring from the bexley office to the clintoville office, i have seen my name written on money twice. i have only been there since the third week in december, further more, i doubt the name "Sophia" is really all that common; considering the fact that in my entire time being here in ohio (about 15 years) i have only met a handful of people with my name. i apparently have a "money stalker".
over the weekend i rented the movie Paris Je'Taime. it's wonderful! it has about 13... or maybe 27... i don't know. it has a collaboration of all these short films involving love and the city of Paris. my most favorite one is the opening scene. there is a guy driving around trying to find a parking spot. he's getting really pissed off and at the last minute he finds one, then about 3 or 4 people pull up next him trying to see if he is leaving, so they can get his spot. the funniest thing is when he says "shove off, buttface" i have said it once and i'll say it again, i have a very wierd sense of humor and that line pretty much made my day. and for no reason at all.
friday my mother drove up from dayton and brought me an article on alpacas and llamas. ohio is trying to get them sanctioned as livestock rather than exotic animals so the farms who have/own them can get major benefits from the state. from what i read, ohio has the biggest population of llama/alpaca owners throughout the entire U.S... you can only imagine how happy that made me!
lastly, not last weekend, but the weekend before me and becky were going to attend her first ever seen drag show. the only bad part is that it was in a hole in the wall bar in clintonville, i don't know what was worse, us being the youngest ones there or the fact that it was mardi gras themed with a bunch of old geezers singing karaoke. needless to say, we didn't stay and she has yet to encounter her first drag show. we looked super cute though!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
to the mean man in the drive-thru
I don't know about you, but when I am visiting my financial institution, I am always on my best behavior. You know why? It's because a lot of the time, they are right and you are wrong. If you overdraw your account, nine time out of ten, you already know about it. If you "lost" your debit card, we can get you a new one, just please be specific about what happened to it. Further more, when you have a state document written out to two people, BOTH OF THOSE PEOPLE NEED TO SIGN IT! I don't care that you have a joint account with that person, I don't care that someone has been "doing it for you" for supposedly five years. And I don't care that you don't want to give me your id. I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE! Figure It Out! It is against the law to cash, much less deposit something that is made out to two people, and without a proper state issued id so I can verify who you are.
Why bring up all of this information? Because some fucking dirty low life man, did exactly that and made me cry because I was doing my job, correctly! This individual came through the drive-thru and started screaming at me. Literally screaming, because when I turned the microphone off, I could still hear him.
Needless to say, my saturday morning was shot.
Why bring up all of this information? Because some fucking dirty low life man, did exactly that and made me cry because I was doing my job, correctly! This individual came through the drive-thru and started screaming at me. Literally screaming, because when I turned the microphone off, I could still hear him.
Needless to say, my saturday morning was shot.
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