Tuesday, January 1, 2008

This is why Bob Evans sucks

To start the New Year off right, a girlfriend of mine (Becky) and I decided to do brunch at Brio. A few weeks back we went on a Saturday and they have the best Tuscan French Toast. It is these massive slices of French bread filled with marscapone cheese and fruit, accompanied with syrup. It is literally like heaven in my mouth. We have been planning it for weeks! Personally, I would rather have not gotten out of bed today but damn I sure was hungry. So I call Becky and we get our asses moving, along with her husband and my soon to be husband as well. Everyone who is in a relationship knows how hard it can be to get the other one going, but all in all everything was getting along pretty great. All I could think about for motivation was that gooey breakfast accompanied with my breakfast mimosa.

Skip to arriving at Easton, we get all fancy shmansy and valet his Fit, go inside and it's perfect. There is no wait, hardly anyone is in there, so I'm thinking we can order, enjoy our breakfasts/lunch because it's about 12:30 by this time. Only to find out, that because it's Tuesday Brio doesn't serve their brunch. Instead, brunch is only served on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 to 3. My heart sinks, I want to curl up into a ball on the floor and just cry. Becky and I look at eachother completely dissapointed. By now the mission turns into where we can get any breakfast food at all. I felt so bad leaving, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Enter Bob Evans. When we finally find it and arrive, we sneak in the "Carry-Out Only" door and cut to the front of the line. The lobby is packed and there is nowhere to sit because everyone is waiting to be seated. We put in for our table of 4 and they tell us that it's only going to be about a half an hour wait. Not so bad considering we are all starving and anticipating how great food is going to be. Little did we know that this is only the beginning. I don't know about you, but when I'm seated in a room full of people that I don't know with nothing to do I tend to stare a lot. Well, let's just say that I "notice" things.

My "Noticing" list starts with about ten different girls who don't know how to put clothes on. I cannot stand it when people, not necessarily girls, go out in public with pajamas and slippers. Put your damn clothes on already. That's fine if you want to lounge around at home, I'm not judging either if you want to go back home and put them on again. But if you are going to step out in public where there are other people who can see you, get dressed already! It's not hard. Second thing. Those same people who are going out in their PJ's need to find coats too. It is about 32 degrees outside. When you leave your house that too is unacceptable. There are freezing people in the world who wish they had coats. Do yourself a favor and put the damn thing on. You don't look "awesome" because you're a cold badass! Third. When the party stops about an hour ago and you decide to get food, don't put a shirt on over your sparkly dress. Either wear the dress and still look cute or change into something else. Those girls could take some advice from number One on the list. As they make their way out, there are the leather coat club in the corner. When you start to look like your friends and family do, find another jacket. Or maybe even spruce it up with a nice hand bag, you look like a man!

Keep in mind here that these people are gracing me with their presence all at the same time. I'm looking at Becky completely dumbfounded. Fifthly, as the line to the cash register gets longer and longer, in come three boys, 2 wearing only white wife beaters and stupid ass hats. One guy was so cool as to even have "Coors Light!" hand written on his arm but at a slant. What was worse was that the exclamation mark was written under the word "light". The third guy with them was some random ass Asian dude that looked out of place with his green reindeer pants. They were standing there huddled in a circle trying to determine who should pay what and how much to tip. At one point, one of them says"Oh come on dude, it's New Years". Then to top it all off there was the lesbian crew behind them. I wanted to die right about then. I could not stop laughing and to try to make it less noticeable that I was laughing at Coors Light man, I'm trying to put on my chapstick, and not very successfully I might add.

So after my entertainment, we're noticing that the lobby is cleared out. There were people that came in after us that were getting seated before us. In an attempt to figure out what the hold up is, Becky's husband goes and talks to the hostess. Come to find out, they switched pages without transferring our name. At a loss for words, the woman says that we are going to be seated next and that she is sorry about the delay. She also slips in there that it had been happening all day but have been failing to fix the recurring problem. Ok, no problem I'm a little annoyed but whatever, as long as I can eat who cares right? Then I'll be damned if not even five minutes later they seat a party of 3. I'm more the sure that that table has 4 chairs instead of just 3. We got jacked on our food and the damn lady lied to us!

We were all so pissed by that point that we just walked out. Goodbye breakfast, goodbye french toast with marscapone cheese and syrup. Instead we had to settle for BW3's.

In a nut shell, my day has been deflated and I really shouldn't have gotten out of bed. So in an effort make sure that I get some kind of sweet tasty, fluffy treat I'm making french toast for dinner. Ha! See how you like it stupid Bob Evans! and I will see you on Sunday for brunch Brio!


bigred1975 said...

For one thing, it seems like you put a lot of emphasis on others apperances. You should'nt judge people by what they wear or their sexual prefrances. I know it can be a pain in the ass trying to get a seat at a place like that. Bob Evans is a very rural family style restraunt, they draw "a lot" of business. Especially at noon or on sundays. Good luck gettn a seat at those times. Yes I know its full of old people and bikers. But what you don't realize, is most of their coustomers are regulars, they are there every day...every day! bob evans rarely gets new coustomers. You see what really sucks about bob evans are "The employees" they are all stuck up and they think there better than everyone else because they've been there 12 years. Its like whoo hoo 12 years eh. I worked there for 2 years but now I work in a hospital as a nurse...and I'm a guy! So I just tell them "Congrats on your 12 years of minimum wage asshole!!!" I used to bum rides home from work and they wouldn't even talk to me they treated me like shit and talked shit behind my back, but now... I tell them to heat my coffee every 2 minutes and then I leave tire marks in the parking lot with my jag! So its not the coustomers, or what they wear, its the jerk off employees and management that couldn't run a mcdonalds if they tried. So F@CK that minimum wage shit hole!!!

LordMarcus said...

Author is a whiny ho.