Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Here's another;

I love how you can hear is nasty squeal-y voice in the back. Buahahaha!!!

Fudging hilarious!

I always find it humorous that gay men emulate women singers, make 'music videos' and then post them on YouTube as an [official music video]. Please enjoy, as I did :)

P.S. There are more 'official music videos' by this user and they are all HILARIOUS!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Start with yourself

As a new parent, there are a million things that go through your head on a daily basis: Am I doing the right thing, is my child happy, am I being a good parent, etc.

The best gift my mother gave me when I had my son was one of the books my Jenny McCarthy. It was entitled Mother Warriors and it chronicles the lives of parents with autistic children. I never knew what to do or to expect with a new child because it was never taught to me. My mother is a fabulous human being who has always been there when I needed anything for the baby but as a new parent you don't know what questions to ask until they've already hit you in the face. I'm not going to lie, I was utterly terrified that my child would, and can still get autism because he is a male and they are three times more likely to get autism than girls. But as a parent I couldn't not question what was going into my child's body. It's ironic because you go through the entire pregnancy monitoring what you eat, especially tuna because mercury can lead to autism. So it's entirely baffling that mercury is used as a preservative in vaccines for children. The whole mess just makes me sick to my stomach. If it's dangerous then don't use it... period.

So I feel it entirely inappropriate when someone divulges information as fact without the slightest hint of a 'fuck up possibility'. Yes, vaccines are needed in an era where children can get hurt. Prevention is most certainly key, but come on now. There are some things that work and they work well, but there are others that when given can cause more harm than good. That is why I am totally one hundred percent behind Jenny McCarthy and the awareness that she is trying to raise. As not only a celebrity, but an idividual and a mother who is living through the agony of doing what she was told, it turns out there was a health professional who was wrong. It's not the case for everyone, absolutely, but there comes a time when a health professional is wrong. Let's not forget the key subject here, doctors are real people too. They mess up just like everyone else.

What has started the fire in me? Amanda Peet. I find her to be utterly hypocritical and an asshole. I seriously doubt she has done any small amount of research in what Jenny McCarthy is really trying do. There was an article done featuring Amanda Peet and her 'parenting' if that's what you want to call it. She briefly talks about how she doesn't use medications or suncreen but wants to make it painfully clear that vaccines are a necessity and should be adminstered all at the same time; including that any parent who strays from such 'advice' is a parasite. Her research you ask? Apparently all of her questions were answered by her brother in law pediatrician. That's a little one-sided wouldn't you think? I think it's so easy to hide behind the 'because my doctor said so' or the 'I'm just really over protective so I did everything that I was told' scenarios. No it's not OK to take one person's opinions to heart. There is a reason they are called opinions, not FACT. What protects your child is doing the research yourself and determinig what is appropriate for your child and what isn't. I'm sure there aren't many who know but the original Rotavirus vaccine was pulled from use back in 1999 because it made infants' bowels collapse on themselves. How fucking ricidulous, because i'm sure at the time doctors were raving about its benefits and what wonders it could do. Well look what happened.

The bottom line is to be proactive. Children and especially infants are so sensitive and susceptible that it's not OK to bombard them with five vaccines every two months at a time, when really the child has five years to get everything that it needs. In my mind it's disgusting and should be monitored more closely, but who am I? I guess I'm just a parasite because I chose to make my child more comfortable with only getting vaccines required for schools and doing no more than two at a time. He's going to live and he's going to have the same immune system as a child who was immunized with all five at the same time. So what's the rush for?

Building awarness for safety does more than build walls. It's time to take the blindfolds off and become educated about what goes in a child's body.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

post baby weight

i stomped my scale last night.

enough said...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

shouldn't you think twice about that?

I have been having an epiphany lately when it comes to meeting new people and what information they volunteer to give up. I don't know about you, but I like to keep certain things about myself private i.e. finances, children, etc.

At the beginning of the year I had started working with a new co-worker and they were discussing with me whether or not they were going to keep the child they were currently pregnant with. HUH?!! Keep in mind, we'll call her Chante' for sake of giving her a name, I had only worked with her maybe one day. So on day two Chante' feels as though it's appropriate to discuss abortions with me. I am not a judgmental person, but there are people out there who would judge her for that. Abortions are not something that people take lightly, there are many opinionated assholes out there that would single her out and could potentially harm her because of it. Therefore, it's not at all appropriate to discuss with co-workers, especially new co-workers.

Case number two occurred yesterday at work. I went to another location to help out and the girl there decided to tell me that she is 'extremely well off' and 'lucky to have that kind of money' because the money she makes from her full time job is used essentially as 'play money'. Um, I don't care, nor did I ask. I find it completely asinine to discuss your finances with not only a total stranger, but a stranger you will most likely never see again. I don't care what type of image it is supposed to portray... other than stupidity.

I have been through entirely too much in my life to admire arrogance, whether it be due to money or lifestyle. I'm sure that it's not the first person nor will it be the last, but I guess I am more confident in what I bring to the table as an individual than what I can bring to the table materialistically.

To wrap up, learn to speak intelligently and keep the major decision making to those close to you; or at least to those who can offer up great advice... hopefully it is someone you know rather well.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Oh I Forgot,

I have forgotten to mention that I think Rosco (my miniature bear of a wiener dog) may have broken my nose. We had some family in from out of town about 2-3 weeks ago and in the midst of making my house look presentable, time allowing of course, I got some flowers for the front yard. I was considerably gung-ho for my planting experience because since we moved in the house last year I have done shit with the landscaping. None-the-less I was determined when it came to fixing up the exterior to do at least something, anything really.

Cut to a Friday afternoon and I mention to Melon that it would be really nice if 'da bear' was able to come and hang out in the front yard. We have been so awful at training the poor fella that he can't be trusted off a leash. Since we have a backyard, although not fenced in, da bear has a stake that he is connected to when he is let outside. So Melon, the wonderful husband he is, mentions that he can effortlessy relocate da bear's stake to the front yard and poof, problem solved!

Only we were gravely mistaken...

As Melon is bringing Rosco to the front yard he gets tangled up in his leash and I am instructed to untangle him. But of course I think he is adorable and decide to give him a gentle peck on the top of his furry little head first, only it doesn't pan out that way. As I lean my head in he head butts me in my nose. That certainly hurt like a bitch!

Now anytime I get a little rough with my nose i.e. nose blowing, it cracks. Definitly strange and a little grosse at the same time... no thanks to the stinky bear

T-minus 7 minutes...

It's a Saturday night, BB is down for the night and Melon is out on the town... if the town is renamed to being down the street. I am nursing my newly purchased bottle of wine and in about 7 minutes I am ready to debut my new do, so to speak. I have it all planned out, summer time is for dark hair and when the winter rolls around I am going back to blonde. I figure nothing is better than black coats and boots in the snow that a nice bright head of hair. Works in my book.

My life has been pretty much the same all things considered. My child is slowly creeping out of his 'difficult' phase and making his way to the 'awesome idle' phase. We are now trying our best to get him on a schedule and he's started taking naps in the afternoons now. It's completely wonderful because it makes for a more pleasant, less fussy child at home and at the sitter.

I'm off to the shower now, be expecting new pictures of the 'do' to pop up at any given moment... WOO!!