Sunday, October 26, 2008

i see you good you forced faker

it's very interesting when there are certain individuals, we will call them vultures, claim to be your friend. in my opinion, a friend looks out for the well being of the one with whom they are be-friend-ed. now to be fair, i understand the different levels of friendship. there are those with whom you see everyday and don't necessarily have the time to hang out with. there are those that live far distances so really that friendship is mainly a friend/internet connection, but still a friendship. but then there are those with whom you frequent their houses and go to dinners with. those in my opinion would be the 'closer' or 'closest' of friends, because you not only speak with them routinely but you also interact with them on many levels. so i find it interesting when they clearly don't give a shit about anything other than themselves. when there are events (such as weddings, parties, etc.) that are pre-planned and pre-committed to attending and decide that not going and not saying that they aren't going would be more appropriate instead. it hurts most because all of that time and effort was lost. it is time that will never be given back, only instead it's time wasted. i think that's the worst feeling in the world, having to realize at the end of the day that the one person you have tried to grow and bond with never cared in the first place and only took advantage of it out of convenience. i guess if i were that alone i might do it too, but them again i have feelings. those with whom i interact with and those with whom i choose to carry on a relationship with are out of seeing a common link or bond, and a general sense of enjoyment. those with whom i interact with touch my life in some way, that's why there are only a select few that i let in. i think that's what hurts the most, giving that other person an idea of who you are and them purposely squashing your hopes and expecatations because there was 'something better' going on. vultures don't make sacrifices.

at the end of the day, come Saturday i will be getting married to the love of my life and starting a family. so i can only say that i hope it will be worth it for the other person to slowly realize what happened--that is if they even care.

"if you see me keep going be a pass by waver."

Sunday, October 19, 2008

1 week and 6 days

the countdown starts people!! the bands need to be picked up but we've got our marriage license and I've had my engagement ring cleaned and prepped for the big day. all that's left is next Saturday's bachlorette party and then the wedding. I'm so excited!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

dumbass accountin rules

if there is anyone who knows a thing about accounting, please please please!! help me?

i'm ready to pull my hair out.

Monday, October 13, 2008

secrets are out

so my secret you ask? it's going to be in code... but i have a peanut!! if you know what it is, please don't sell me out... haha there's still a lot of info to share but not until a later date.

in other news, i got up at 6:05, on the dot to write an awful paper that i'm totally ashamed of and my computer came unplugged. the battery on my computer is fried, so anytime the power cord comes out it shuts off. i about had a shit fit! luckily for me, Microsoft Office 2007 saved it and i was able to finish in record time. i always forget how unmotivated i am fall quarter. you would be too having to walk long distances outside when it's cold. winter quarter only gets worse.

anyway, if anyone knows of a good anti-blackhead/anti oil treatment please let me know. my skin is going to hell.

please and thank you!

Friday, October 3, 2008

when neglect becomes 'don't ignore me!'

i know it's been a ridiculous amount of time since I've been posting regularly. it's almost a little embarrassing, but sometimes there's just not enough to say or maybe a little too much to say, and saying it on the internet for everyone to read is not the best way to express myself emotionally. i do have one small secret, but unfortunately that's going to have to wait a few more days... or at least until Tuesday.

but i do have some other interesting things to share with you. i have a theory, and not just any theory. i have a theory about my house. what is it you ask? i think that the previous owner (whom by the way looked like he could have been Richard Gere's older and not so attractive brother) killed his wife in my house.

clue/suspicion number 1
- when we were in the process of moving in, i was slowly unpacking every room and cleaning the rooms that looked kinda grosse. for example, the bathroom. so i've got my Clorox disinfectant wipes and i'm scrubbing down the sink cabinet where the toilet paper holder is and there is all this red stuff. it looked like it could have been dried blood but a little more orange, and it was everywhere. it's like the guy just forgot that if you kill your wife in the bathroom, blood can go everywhere! the other clue in the bathroom is that there are two stains in the linoleum tile that are dark and round and look like two little drops. now being an avid hair dyer i know what hair dye stains look like and that sure as hell isn't it.

clue/suspicion 2
- we took the doors to the closet in the bathroom down because the closet sits right behind the bathroom door and it just isn't functional. so instead of having a closed closet, we've got an open one. well in the hinge on the floor where the door would meet the floor, i found a ring! it was definitely fake... but definitely a woman's ring!

clue/suspicion 3
- for the past 3 weeks or so my little wiener dog has been running under the deck to bark at a mysterious object. Melon thought it was the drain spout because 'Robert Gere' threw anything and everything under the deck (which by the way is covered by a solarium) so Melon removed the spout but he keeps going under there to bark. in the solarium itself, the floor is all dilapidated and the carpet is coming up due to Bob's inability to weather proof anything and there is a small hole that leads under the deck that is snug up against the house. So Rosco still consistently stick his face in there when i'm either bringing him in or letting him out. Also! when Rosco is inside he digs at the floor on the other side of the wall where the hole is. i think he's smelling something peculiar.

clue/suspicion 4
- in between the shed and the solarium there is about a 3 1/2 foot gap where Bob put broken up concrete. the dude just piled it all there! he claimed it was his remedy for weeds... yeah weeds grown by your dead wife!!

clue/suspicion 5
- Bob hadn't lived there for 2 YEARS prior to us buying the house. we found this out when Melon was mowing the lawn and one of the neighbors spoke about how he used to mow our lawn to keep the property looking decent. and anything that we requested be done to the house, like the electric box being fixed and a leaky pipe replaced before purchase he was more than willing to comply.

clue/suspicion 6
- Mr. Gere moved all the way to Lancaster (at least that's what he told us) which is about 2 hours away from us.

There are a few more clues that are helping me piece together the crime, but in the event that i don't want the post to be five pages long, i'm going to take a little break. Ponder if you will.

another day

so i feel like my life has been barreling along at a whopping 20 mph, yet everything imaginable has either happened, or i'm pretty sure is going to happen. in a month i'm getting married (woop woop!), and yet some how there is always drama.

one thing i would like to get clear (while whitening my teeth), not everything is about you. i'm not a 'Bridezilla' by any means but when people who clearly didn't give a shit about planning and expediting are asking questions due to seating arrangements and what not. it's selfish! i would never ask someone else to accommodate me because i'm a selfish ass. enough said on that topic.

school started last wednesday, so i'm starting to get full swing into that. there is this guy that i had 'met' during my Molecular Biochem series. i don't want to say met because i can't remember his name to save my life and would rather not talk to him... so anyways he's in all of my human nutrition classes this quarter (all 3) and has already asked me if i wanted to 'hitch a ride' with him in between the Food Science and Human Nutrition class. uhh.... no! also, i forgot to mention that during the second MolBioChem class he gave me his number so i could 'ask him questions' about anything in general. yeah, the minute he walked away i threw the number in the trash. seriously, get the hint!

and onto other news, i had an OB/GYN appointment last night in Dayton and on the way my car got a googly eye. the left blinker popped out. maybe it's being festive with Halloween, who knows. i'm going pumpkin picking tonight with Melon. can't wait!!