yesterday was the last round of antibiotics and all i am being left with is a side splitting pain... want to know where? my side. that's where. all this coughing has left my body nasty and bruised. i don't want to move, sit up or much less do any side bends that's for sure. every time i cough i feel like i'm being stabbed. not that i would have anything to compare it to, much like actually being stabbed. but if i was, i'm sure that's what it would feel like.
two nights ago i went to dinner with B and ever since then i feel like i don't want to eat anything. my appetite has been blotchy at best and i have a sneaking suspicion that's my body's way of preparing itself to die. therefore, if you haven't heard from me in awhile, you'll know why.
anyways, cut to dinner with B. afterwards we meander over to Barnes & Nobles. i decide we should go up to the upper level. bad idea. for one, escalators scare me a little bit. if they're going too fast i feel like i'm going to lose my balance when i step on and further more when you're trying to get on it to go down, one can easily fall. second of all, i was wearing slutty summer-time wedges. it was pretty much guaranteed that if we were to descend the escalators i would fall, then be pushed down by the moving stairs and my hair would get caught. needless to say, i bribed B to take the elevator down instead. which ended up being perfect because the elevator doors opened to where i could find the 'autobiography' of Chelsea Handler. i love her forever. the first one called My Horizontal Life, a collection of one night stands is AMAZING!! i read it in a day. that's some pretty hard core reading if you ask me. i enjoy a dry sense of humor and her deliverance is impeccable. therefore, this weekend i will be getting book number II. can't wait!!