Sunday, December 30, 2007

Baker's Dozen

I have officially spent all day in the kitchen getting food ready for my New Year's Eve party with Becky. While it is always exciting to make tasty treats from my Paula Deen cookbook, I am most excited about the fact that I made homemade marshmallows --- without a candy thermometer. I am also amazed at the fact that I was able to find gold gum paste sparkles to dust them with. I ended up getting small mason jars and decorating the lids, then I'm going to put the sparkly treats in them and hand them out as party favors!

In other news, Shane let me go to Best Buy with him without brushing my hair. I kinda forgot since I've been in the kitchen all day, and when I passed by a window and saw my reflection it was quite funny. And it seems like now every time that I let Rosco out, we run back to the door together. He's so cute!

I think it's time for bed now...

Friday, December 28, 2007

Note To Self,

No matter how thin you think you are, never and I mean never, try on your wedding dress right after you get done eating.

It is always a bad idea.

Thank you and Good Night

Friday, December 21, 2007

Another Night In Dayton

Well, I woke up this morning in Dayton, and for some reason my right index finger is completly swollen. Not to mention the fact that at about 2:20 in the morning I felt like I was going to be sick. That doesn't happen to me ever! It was quite strange, but I guess in keeping with the evening.

I departed my trip from Columbus to Dayton, for about the fifteen hundredth time for the year, at about 7:45pm. Everything was going good, I was making great time in my Passat... which by the way also made great gas mileage considering its current situation. My Ipod had died earlier in the day so I had borrowed my boyfriend/finace's Ipod charger so I could listen to my current obsession in the car... the Holy Diver remake by Killswith Engage! It is about 8:15pm and about 1/4 of the way through when all of a sudden there was two cars flying passed me. In an effort to make my trip shorter by about 5 minutes I decided to join them. There was one guy in an Acura that kind of fell behind a little bit, so moslty it was just me and the Dodge.

As my trip is rounding down at about 8:40pm I decided to take my normal driving pattern home; my routine driving route is 70W to Rt 4, then from Rt 4 to 75, and then 75 to the Grant St. exit. Meanwhile, I am taking my exit, driving through the qaint but ghetto residential areas as a short cut to Salem Ave., and to my amazement as I am pulling up to the light at the post office, what do I find but a very creepy lady smiling at me. As she is smiling she decides that instead of crossing the street, she wants to try and mouth sweet nothings to me through my window. I couldn't tell if she had any teeth or not, nor did I stick around long enough to find out.

At about 8:50pm, I end my journey home.

*pause for a moment* (laundry time)

OK, now where was I? Right, I'm in Dayton and in about an hour and a half I'm going to have lunch with my family, and then I have an invasive vaginal exam before I start my treck backhome to Columbus. It's always exciting here in the Gem City.

Merry Yule!


Sunday, December 16, 2007

not quite the winter storm we expected

I am so dissapointed in the "winter storm" that was forecasted for the weekend! I am told 4-8 inches of snow and all I get is a measly half inch of snow and the rest of it all rain. Now I love the rain just as much as the next person, but come on! I made sure that I had all of my shopping done so I could get snowed in, play with Rosco in the snow, peek out the window at my snow covered car and laugh at all the people who drive by for having to brave the roads. But instead all I get is black ice and a few snow flurries. It bites I tell you, BITES!

On to better news, I decided to check my grades from last quarter because I had forbade it whilst I was mad about my molecular bio-chem exam... turns out I got a C+. Hello!!??! That is almost a B, and further more, that is not a low C, that is not a middle round about C, no that is a high C. You have no idea how much that makes me happy and want to dance around naked. Anyone who is anyone that knows anything about me will always know how much of a bitch chemistry is for me. It is my nemesis. I have only gotten D's, the highest I think was a D+. I literally cry after every exam, and then I give my instructor the silent treatment.... Well, I guess it's not really the silent treatment when there are about 250 plus students in my lecture course. But either way, I did it. Yay me!

Saturday, December 15, 2007


do you ever sit down to write and then all of a sudden get writer's block. I do, and I'm not sure as to why. Maybe it is becasue I feel like I have too much to say, or is it because I have too little say. It is coming to the end of the year 2007, which all in all was not so bad. It had its moments where I wanted to scream, pulling my hair out and running down the street, but who doesn't feel that way from time to time? It is snowing today and my feet are telling me that two days of shopping... not exaclty the best idea. I met my girlfriend at Easton and we ended up going to Brio where I had some wonderful french toast. It had marscapone cheese in it... ugh so good.

Tonight I am staying in because the roads are grosse, and I have some gifts to wrap. I feel like I almost have shoppers anxiety because my family decided to do a secret santa for gifts. I happened to get my grandma and still have no idea what to make her. Oh yeah, that is part of the rules. You can only spend a maximum of $30.00 and it all has to be hand made. I'm thinking something with sheep... any helpers or suggestions please let me know! So anyway, cut back to the mall on Friday afternoon, I am seeing all of these gifts that would be perfect and I'm not allowed to do anything with them. I wanted to scream! We are allowed to get stocking stuffers, but that is all. Do you think that clothes or a monstrous picture of the eiffel tower could fit into a stocking?

You know, they never did specify how big the stockings were.... interesting.